Top 10 Kadoatery Myths, BUSTED! by tiickled
You know those adorable little cat look-alikes that sit in cages and cry for food all of the time? Well, people love them. Why? They can get you trophies and an avatar, plus they’re fun. And did I mention cute? Very cute. *nod*Well, being that these adorable critters are so popular, they’ve caused a bit of an uproar on the neoboards, causing rumors and debates all around. First, let me go into a bit of kadoatery jargon for you. 'Kads' are kadoaties. 'Wiz feeding' is when you wait for the kads to get hungry and then buy the item on the shop wizard to give to them. 'Inventory feeding' is when you keep items that you know are kad food in your inventory at all times so you can just click on the kadoatie that comes up asking for your food. 'Overfeeders' are people who have fed 76 or more kadoaties. Okay, did you get all of that? Because there will be a quiz later. Not really, but it’ll be helpful. Ready? Let’s go. 1. "You don't REALLY get a kadoatie petpet from it!"
Well, that's actually true. The editorial said you did, and then it said you didn't. We'll go by the most recent one. Silly TNT. =P 2. "Feeding kads takes LOTS of money!"
Some kadoatie food is expensive, granted, but most is not. There are plenty of items that you can feed to those hungry little kads that cost less than 5,000 Neopoints, and there are even a few items that cost under 10 NP, like food that is given out from the Fruit Machine, Coltzan's Shrine, Test Your Strength, etc.
3. "Kads only ask for unbuyables like Blue Draik Eggs!"
Kads ask for baggusses sometimes. I fed one. It was the proudest moment of my Neopian life... but that's beside the point. If you're there at the right time (the second they get hungry), you can feed kads incredibly inexpensive items. The Neopets Team has stopped them from asking for any Blue Draik Eggs, although they do still ask for some items that cost over 100,000 Neopoints... but that doesn't mean you have to feed them that. The reason most people think that they only ask for unbuyables is because when they go to the kadoatery, that is all they are asking for. All that really means is that the buyable ones get fed quickly and you’re not there at the correct time.
4. "The only reason to feed kads is for the avatar!"
People who say that have not fed very many kadoaties. It's fun and addicting. Even though I'm currently retired from feeding, I twitch if I get kad food in a random event. You don't have to go all the way to 75, but if you get there, you will understand why people don’t stop. If you choose to stop before that, you will at least get one of three adorable trophies. Bronze is for one to nine kads fed, silver is ten to twenty-four, and gold is twenty-five and higher. 5. "You need to have the best internet connection and the newest computer to even try to get one."
I myself have slightly slow DSL that disconnects a lot, and a somewhat old computer, and I managed to feed 76 in 10 days. I know of others who have fed kadoaties with dial-up. Maybe they need more patience, but anything is possible, right? Right! 6. "Wiz feeding is impossible."
It's certainly harder than inventory feeding, but it isn't impossible. Of course, you do need to be fast. Very fast. It's also helpful to have the shop wizard already open in another window/tab. No one wiz feeds every time they attempt it, not even the feeders who have fed thousands. Some shops have music or lots of graphics and they just don't load quickly enough, or they have so many graphics piled one on top of the other that you can't scroll quickly enough or click a linked graphic accidentally and get taken to another page. These shops are incredibly annoying, but it happens entirely too often.
7. "Having more than 50 items in your inventory will get you instantly frozen."
While some kad feeders consider it cheating, it was in a past editorial that you can have more than that in your inventory without being frozen. However, I have seen users frozen for continually having way more than 50 kad food items in their inventory while feeding. 8. "There are set times that the kadoatery restocks."
Kad restocks have a pattern, but there is no set time. Sometimes longer if Adam broke something. *cough* They're also supposed to get hungry when the seconds are at :00, but I've seen it happen anywhere from :58 to :12 seconds. And as I said, it can get broken. Sometimes it’s fixed immediately, but I recall times when it has taken days for those poor babies to get hungry again. 9. "Kad feeders are unfriendly snobs."
While kad feeders are awesome, we try not to be arrogant about it. ;) We just do not appreciate the massive amounts of neofriend requests, battledome challenges, and neomail that we receive when our name is written under one of those kad-filled cages. If you haven't fed one before, you would be incredibly surprised at what happens when you do. I suggest blocking that stuff before you even start. It can be overwhelming. Sometimes, you even get mails like, "OMG DAT WUZ MY KAD N U TOOK IT U MEEEEEN PERSON U!! I HAT U! HAT DO U HEER ME?!111" It's not fun. 10. "Overfeeders ruin it for everyone."
Overfeeders have as much of a right to feed as anyone else. It isn't nice to blame your problems on other people. Kadoatie feeding is a solo activity and if you miss one, it is simply because you were not fast enough. Besides, they're the ones that make all of the helpful petpage guides and food lists, and keep the avatar rare for everyone. We love you, overfeeders! And those are my rants. Now if you see anyone on the Neoboards arguing about the cute kads, you can set them straight, right? Because you did pay attention... right? Now, about that quiz... Just kidding. :D Have a great Neopian day!