A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 176,283,234 Issue: 347 | 13th day of Relaxing, Y10
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Think Before You Eat!

by kittymango

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Destruct-O-Match III – More Boulder Smashing Fun
Following in the tradition of the earlier two versions of this game, Destruct-O-Match III brings more puzzling fun.

by dipper70


200m Peanut Dash: Game Guide
In this game you play a puppyblew who is playing fetch with a green Elephante.

by star_shine_88


Starring: Kassoo & Kadoaties

by itrust


To Ride a Uni: Companion and Steed - Part Two
Kanine was feeling more and more flustered by the minute. She decided, in the interest of not appearing totally useless, not to mention that she had never had a rider before...

by smallpox__plum

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