Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 177,073,951 Issue: 331 | 22nd day of Awakening, Y10
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Eat the Madness

by umbreon54399

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The Return of Dr. Sloth: Behind the Scenes - Part Two
She had finally gotten it just right, and was about to click 'send', when the emergency lights started flashing...

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We Are Meepit: Part One
It was a stormy day in Neopia when they attacked. We all knew it would happen someday...

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The Pant Devil - An Expose
I have fathomed the courage to do something that no other reporter is willing to do. I have entered the very lair of the Pant Devil.

by sarahreye


The Ice Caves Scratchcard Kiosk: Exposed!
For years, deep in the Ice Caves of Terror Mountain, a small business has drawn in considerable success.

by kacim22_2

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