Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 158,073,880 Issue: 316 | 2nd day of Storing, Y9
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Tiny But Tough - The Ultimate Battle

by crazy_kathy

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Surviving the Help Chat
Having spent many a day sifting through the spam of HC, I decided to finally create a guide to actually getting help while still being polite...

by lunar_reflections


I Am Moehawk: Part One
"You betcha, Moey! You're going to be a Yes Boy Ice Cream member! This is your chance at the big time!" The last words echoed round his head...

by anorexnik


Taco Time!
That's just disgusting...

by nutrinoplyr296


The Meepit Show Returns
I'm not going to enjoy the show unless none of the contestants do.

by spoonguardonline

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