Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 110,063,541 Issue: 170 | 19th day of Celebrating, Y6
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Stuck in the Neopet House

by spotthechelsey

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Raider of the Sky: Part Two
I looked up from my work as I heard a sound from without my cell. I had given up trying to open the lock, and was now working the hinges on the door. I had already opened one, but the other two refused to budge...

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Christmas Virtues
How our Christmas is really celebrated...

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Dr. Sloth’s Big, Bad, Christmas Heist
"And by pretending to be Santa Claus… well… let's just say that there's more than 4000 pets out there with homes… and I'm sure they have a Neopoint or two to spare for good old Slothy…"

by shadih_temporary


Insanely Nuts - Christmas Special
Muti is a little clueless sometimes...

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