Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 142,067,714 Issue: 297 | 22nd day of Relaxing, Y9
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by zakeno

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The New Player
The backstory of how Jair Tollet got to be on Roo Island's team...

by dgj377


Faded Memories #1: Forgotten Princess - Part Four
Navaleen felt guilt rise in her throat. She could tell Fyora thought she didn't trust her. Neither girl had ever kept something from the other. The truth was, Navaleen had been so caught up with her fencing lessons that she hadn't thought to tell Fyora...

by kit_3_3_3


Altador Cup Scenes: An Interview With Gordo Gunnels
I played a couple of practice games, but didn't manage to make it to the final five. But I told myself not to give up...

by mazoku_kuiin


Contemporary Insanity
Caffeine - The reason the announcers are speaking, and not in a coma.

by boohbah098

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