Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 141,450,161 Issue: 296 | 15th day of Relaxing, Y9
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by hyun713

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T3h Praedius
Jewelry'd to death!

by arttimo


Calm Before the Storm
Xjordy looked down at the floor, blushing, feeling slightly ashamed. Scenette smiled, picked him up and carried him upstairs, the lights occasionally flickering as the storm viciously pounded the ground outside. They were safe inside their Neohome...

by scenette


Iron Heart
It seemed like forever before the rope grew taunt, suspending the Wocky in mid-air. As she dangled in the space, she mentally criticized herself...

by chiyo_hoshi


Another Day with Jhudora
Ever thought about doing one of Jhudora's Quests? Think again.

by junglebook4

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