Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 169,514,968 Issue: 293 | 25th day of Hunting, Y9
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Lost in the Revamp

by music_dreamer

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Dreams Do Come True: Part Two
Annetteā€™s stomach did a flip-flop when she saw how serious these pets were. They all were silently looking over the music, clapping or humming the difficult rhythms. The most Annette had ever done to warm up was her scales...

by littlej001


The Dark Side
An unpleasant sight... o.O;;;

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The Altador Cup: How to Prepare!
Are you ready for the Altador Cup? Well, you certainly will be after you follow these steps!

by super_star_08034


Kitty go Squish-squish 1
You go squish now!

by ditsta0

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