The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 139,341,920 Issue: 290 | 4th day of Hunting, Y9
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Petpet Therapy

by ilovehyrule

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Brains of the Family

Art by kai_pawz

by bird_brain312


Traitors And Warriors: Part Six
Why did that voice sound exactly like my own? My eyes struggled to focus. I saw someone standing before me: a tall air faerie with a wry smile and shining blue eyes. It was me...

by humgruffin


The Real Defenders of Neopia
Someone is in trouble!

by sir_serene


The Twenty Most Delicious Desserts
What desserts are so mind-numbingly sugary-sweet and powerful and delicious and cute and smooth and chocolatey and creamy and soft and mouth-watering, that they are put into the top-twenty best desserts in all of our Neopia?

by harrypotterfan9001

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