Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 139,075,757 Issue: 288 | 20th day of Eating, Y9
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Bed Bounce Royalty

by silver_taurus

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A Simple Matter of Money
Fouchier is quite possibly the most introverted, sneaky little Lupe you will ever find. He hides everything he buys from me in the innermost reaches of his room, and when I try to question him about his purchases, all I get in return is...

by fading_foliage


Catching Up: Part Eleven
The Dark Faerie shook her hair out of her face, letting it flutter behind her in the wind, and concentrated on landing. Together the six Faeries settled their Racers into the gated courtyard...

by extreme_fj0rd


The Gallion Ranch
Some news can be hard to swallow...

Script by hakuryu_86

by pacmanite


The compass is sooo reliable to use whenever you're lost.

by tropical_tweety6

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