Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 136,691,549 Issue: 283 | 16th day of Running, Y9
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Little White Lies -- In celebration of Gelert Day

by scaladenmark

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No wonder they call it Dubloon DISASTER.

by fork


Sirius's Picture Book
'Til the Kaus come home...

by angel_girl857


Illusen's Secrets to Staying in Shape
"I make all the foods with 'Illusen' in the name," she shares with us, "so I put only the finest, healthiest ingredients into my food and then I sell the foods to shops all over Neopia to provide them to you. I make sure they are low fat and have vitamins that all Neopets need."

by lassie_nikki


Or Something Like It: Faerie Swap #1

by kittie_orion

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