A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 185,678,020 Issue: 281 | 2nd day of Running, Y9
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Just Another Comic

by jamz76

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Grumpy Old King #2
King Skarl has a bit of a jealousy issue. Just a bit.

Also by zyalea

by xappz


Behind the Scenes: Petpet Lab Ray
I'm finally here!

Idea by coffeesage

by lisaw1215


Want to go to -Blocked-?

Also by mcquackers2

by mcquackers


A Gadgads-tastic Guide for Gadgadsgame!
Gadgadsgame is not your average Neopian game; it has no obvious levels, no plot to it and no real reason at all. It is merely a puzzle game sent to try your skill at problem solving!

by rabbit_jade

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