To Be A Master: Dreams - Part Three by shelleylow
After class was over, the mats put away and the floor swept
clean, and Shell, Florepa, Tsunami, Dasher and Wen had been introduced to Kokyu
and Otau, the Neo-Kidoka all gathered together to listen to the two Masters.
Without a hitch or a break, Aihami launched
into a quick description of Neo-Rak and the Neo-Rakarr. They all looked taken
aback when she had finished.
"So what does this have to do with us?" piped
up Jitterbug at last.
Emlyn gave him an annoyed look. "It means we
have to go and do something about them, silly. They're hurting other pets and
we can't just sit by and watch them do that."
"Yes," Aihami agreed. "Yes, most definitely.
Which is why we are going on a journey."
They all looked at her, startled.
"I have reason to believe," Aihami continued,
"that there are other Neo-Kidoka elsewhere on Mystery Island. If we are to deal
with the Neo-Rakarr we need all the help we can get. That is why we plan to
search around the island, to find these others so that they can help us."
"How will we know where to look?" asked Keiko.
Aihami smiled. "Intuition, lifeforce energy
and luck."
"Wait a bit, Aihami-Master," Shell spoke up.
"You can't go on a trip around the island with so many. For one thing, a group
that large is always hard to manage on a long journey, in terms of resources
at least, and for another, you'd need someone to take care of the training hall,
wouldn't you?"
"There is the risk of the Neo-Rakarr returning
to this training hall," Kokyu said seriously. "And we aren't about to leave
all of you - " he gestured, taking in all the white-belts, " - alone here by
yourselves. Call us over-protective, but the Neo-Rakarr are not to be taken
"Then let me take care of them," the human girl
responded, after some thought. "They aren't officially my pets, so they should
be allowed to stay at our NeoHome for a time... I'm sure we can find room."
"Well, I want to go with Aihami-Master and Kokyu-Master,"
Aragon said boldly.
"Count me in too!" Jitterbug chimed in, waving
his stubby arms.
"I'll follow Kokyu-Master," Shiho declared loyally.
"I...I don't know," Faille whispered hesitantly.
"I wouldn't want to be trouble... I think I'd rather stay with Shell and the
"I would too," Raz the Kacheek spoke up. "It's
true that Aihami-Master and Kokyu-Master won't be able to manage so many of
us on this trip... it could take days, maybe even weeks. It's be good to lighten
the responsibility."
"But we can't have too many of us at Shell's
NeoHome, either," Aria the Chomby argued. "We'd be a drain on resources there,
too. I'm going with Aragon and Jitterbug."
The students continued to dispute among themselves,
between the two options. Eventually it was decided. Marko, along six Juniors:
Aria, Aragon, Jitterbug, Mandrake, Emlyn and Shiho, would go along with Aihami
and Kokyu. The rest, and all the Petpets, barring Didicus, who inevitably went
everywhere Manny did, would stay with Shell and her four pets.
"It's going to be one huge pandemonium back
home," Shell said with a rueful grin. "But it'll be worth it if you can get
rid of Neo-Rak."
Aihami felt vitality and hope flooding her,
and she smiled up at her human friend.
"I'll make sure we will."
She gave Nage a last pat and handed him to the
girl. "Now you don't cause any trouble while we're gone."
"When are we leaving, Aihami-Master?" Aragon
inquired, his tail wagging wildly.
"Now; that is, as soon as you're ready. But
remember to tidy up!"
There was a mad scramble for the dormitories.
Aihami laughed as she watched them, and then turned to Otau. "Are you sure you
won't come with us, Otau?"
The Nimmo nodded, smiling wanly. "Yes, Aihami-Master.
I don't think I'm quite ready to go tramping about the Island. I'd feel safer
at the NeoHome."
Kokyu emerged from the hallway, carrying two
identical cloth bags, each containing a sword, a staff and a dagger, all made
of hard wood. "I think we'll be needing these."
"Good thinking," Aihami replied. "Are you Juniors
quite ready?"
"Ready and waiting, Aihami-Master!" Jitterbug
threw a salute.
Didicus barked, the fact that he was signaling
his assent plain to everyone.
"Right then. Let's go!"
The little party set off into the jungle surrounding
the training hall. Shell and the others solemnly watched them disappear into
the verdure before going their separate way.
The dream was upon him again. It was always
the same. Small, bright, hot spots of light swirling around him so fast and
making loud roaring noises as they spun past him in swarms, hurting his ears
so that he had to clap his paws over them, hurting his eyes so that he had to
squeeze them shut... but worst of all, they made him feel ways he detested and
loathed feeling. Confused. Disoriented.
Even in the darkness and silence of his blocked
sensory pathways, he was not spared. For the luminescent, illusory lights that
always follow when the eye is exposed to bright light, the colours of oil on
water, burned onto the backs of his eyelids, glowed on. These lights did not
whirl around him; instead they shifted, melted, changed, and forming strange
and hypnotic patterns like blobs of Chaos, which served to make his headache
even worse. Groaning, he sank to the floor, feeling spent...
And then from out of the formlessness of the
afterglow would appear the phosphorescent head of a Kougra, eyes blazing amber
in the blurred outlines of the head. And then all he could see were those amber
eyes, boring into his, with such terrible reproach and white hot anger... and
yet, simultaneously, such deep, painful sadness...
It was then that he always awoke. Blinking his
orange eyes in the darkness, he sat up, feeling very frustrated. Such a thing,
it could not affect him, not like this. It was no more than a dream, a patchwork
of thoughts acquired over time and stored in the brain, only to be set free
in the night like pale shadows to wander where they would. They were nothing
but figments of his subconscious.
And he? He was Taruuk, undisputed Head Champion
of the Neo-Rakarr, the magnificent Eyrie crafted of steely sinew and muscle,
the one called the Shadow Blade by his subordinates, for his colour and his
great and famed prowess in fighting. It was through his great strength and cunning
that he had overthrown the previous Head Champion. Taruuk snorted as he thought
of the Techo Horak. Incompetent old fool. He had been too wrapped up in his
hatred, too absorbed in his own desire for revenge that he had not seen the
danger that had lain behind the Eyrie's façade of obedience, until it was too
Scimitar and Redclaw, the other two Champions,
those who had had the same rank as him before he usurped the title of Head Champion,
were none too pleased at the change of authority. Clearly, they had had their
eyes set on Horak's position themselves. But they had left it too late, and
now it belonged to Taruuk. He had been keeping a careful eye on the two since
his return to the castle on that fateful day. Unlike Horak, he was acutely aware
of the threat that Scimitar and Redclaw posed towards him, and he had taken
pains to ensure that they would not succeed in overthrowing him.
Yes, it was so. For such a being as himself,
Taruuk, the Shadow Blade, dreams should be dismissed as trivial things, things
that melted away like mist with the coming of the morning. He would not let
such things rule over him.
Easing himself up from his hard bed, Taruuk
paced magnificently over the deep red stone floor to the window. One of the
best things about being Head Champion had to be the living quarters. It had
the largest bed, and was one of the only rooms with a window in the entire castle.
And he had it all to himself. There was no need to share with Redclaw and Scimitar
anymore. Smirking, he gazed out of the aperture.
The sky was just beginning to pale over the
vast stretches of the Forgotten Mountains, the colours of the dawn sky soft
as a watercolour painting. Soon, it would be time to begin training. But still,
there was something that niggled at the back of the Head Champion's mind; for
all that he tried to dismiss it as after effects of the dream.
There were still Neo-Kidoka in the jungle. He
remembered one of his Champions-in-Training saying it. "Two Aishas and a young
one." They had gotten rid of one Aisha, but there were others...and there was
a whole training hall full of them, he remembered them saying that too. So there
were still students of Neo-Kido out there...
The Eyrie remembered how Horak had told the Champions-in-Training
of Neo-Kido. How he had boasted, and swaggered, and belittled the art, displaying
in contemptuous, mocking words how weak and helpless Neo-Kidoka were, how Neo-Rakarr
could defeat them easily. He himself, he said, had defeated several Neo-Kidoka
at once, long ago when he was younger. Obviously the old Techo had not succeeded
in wiping out the Neo-Kidoka.
Taruuk knew that the Neo-Kidoka were not as
strong as the Neo-Rakarr. And he had in fact written them off as less than threatening
to his power. But being overconfident did have its consequences, as Horak had
discovered... and as he thought this, he remembered the steady, dark-eyed gaze
of the red Aisha the old Head Champion had called Karei, the gaze he had not
been able to hold or break, even with his piercing orange glare that sent his
subordinates trembling to their knees in a flash...
Taruuk raised himself to his full height, blotting
out the weakness from his mind. Later on, that very day, he would ensure something
was done. He would send three of his best Champions-in-Training to...take care
of the remaining Neo-Kidoka. Scimitar and Redclaw were admittedly more skilled,
but he didn't trust them. They would take any opportunity available to turn
on him. The Champions-in-Training were skilled, subservient, and they were deeply
afraid of him. They would carry out his orders. That was another sign of his
being greater than Horak. The Neo-Rakarr he chose to train as his Champions
were not simply strong in fighting, but also weak-willed, obedient to his every
command. Horak had chosen them based on skill, and look how that had resulted.
The Shadow Blade smirked as he thought of all
this. Oh, he was worthy of the title he bore, to be sure.
Several days later, when the Neo-Rakarr arrived
at the training hall, it was to find an empty building. The place had been swept
clean and tidied, and there was no dust anywhere. But as the place was thoroughly
combed for any form of life, there was none to be found.
The Neo-Kidoka had disappeared.
The End