Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 134,586,010 Issue: 276 | 26th day of Sleeping, Y9
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by disturbeded_banana

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Into Defending?
In the game, you will have a number of neopets pictures and a question presented to you. To answer the question, click on the picture of the correct answer.

by georgina_248


The Pteri fluttered his wings in exasperation. "Haven't you heard the noises? The sky is falling!"

by micrody


Knowing Your Gnorbu
Talking about the Shearing Day...

by shettisen


Turmac Roll: A History
Never once, in my two years of playing the game has that thing EVER grown. It makes no sense! If the instructions say the thing will grow, then gosh darn it, it should grow!

by sarcaism7

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