Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 134,586,010 Issue: 276 | 26th day of Sleeping, Y9
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Life on the Edge

by iamthewalrus__

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Fables: Listen and Learn
Why do I always end up as a pile of ashes?

by ann13131313131


Games and the Board: The Perfect Formula?
The game board is a spectacular area to find and ask for tips from fellow Neopians. From the very experienced to the similarly confused you can get many, many replies that will reveal some of the most useful tips you will ever find!

by godsowngodzilla


Into Defending?
In the game, you will have a number of neopets pictures and a question presented to you. To answer the question, click on the picture of the correct answer.

by georgina_248


Operation Usuki Outta Here
My three little sisters are baby Usul triplets, and, because of their "cute looks," my owner, Katrina, spoils them with anything they want. And the only thing they want, are, yup, Usukis...

by 24meepit13

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