Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 134,586,010 Issue: 276 | 26th day of Sleeping, Y9
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Twisted Fate

by garfield_chubz

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The Mind of Max
High... five?

by 0omythical_dragono0


The Ugly Child
Cleo, who was Ms. Polsha's babysitter, sighed but nodded. "Yeah, okay," she agreed...

by neopartia


Tiramisu and the Gems
The rainbow Kougra checked her pack for the fifth time in an hour. Everything was there – her beloved yellow Cybunny plushie, some water, some food, a healing potion, and the three gems...

by bootpelt


Afternoon Tea: Part One
"I got a promotion at work," she said, blowing on her tea. "I'm now the Assistant Finance Manager..."

by reggieman721

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