Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 134,586,010 Issue: 276 | 26th day of Sleeping, Y9
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Z0MG! Call the PPL

by xxkesenaitsumixx

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In This Together: Part Nine
Startled, Mhairia looked over to see what had happened. But another pair of eyes, dark and puzzled, were fixed on me now. My brother seemed locked in a struggle to speak, to recognise my face, as he stared at me...

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Kooky Absurdity
Note: Images in the map are not drawn to scale... right?

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Sword of the Shapeshifter: Part One
And then, a number of weeks ago- Vex was no longer certain how long it had been- Lord Darigan had also disappeared...

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Games and the Board: The Perfect Formula?
The game board is a spectacular area to find and ask for tips from fellow Neopians. From the very experienced to the similarly confused you can get many, many replies that will reveal some of the most useful tips you will ever find!

by godsowngodzilla

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