The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 135,380,866 Issue: 275 | 19th day of Sleeping, Y9
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The Gallion Ranch

by pacmanite

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Under Water Fishing
Nothing like fishing, eh?

by superxspork


RAWR: Duck And Cover
Nice timing... but not for Adam. D:

by voogie123


Tangled Up in Blu: Part One
"Lovely," Blu the Island Gelert commented to no one in particular. She had just arrived on the white-sanded, crystalline-watered beach of Mystery Island. The golden afternoon sun sat high in the clear blue sky, pouring sunlight onto the placid beach...

by hotchick859


Revisited: Part Six
"Four down, three to go!" The voice came again, this time laughing insanely. This time, both the Kyrii and the Gelert heard it, and all three pets turned to each other with wide eyes...

by puppy200010

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