Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 133,024,427 Issue: 274 | 12th day of Sleeping, Y9
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Music Mania

by masked_acorn

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Some neopets overreact when it comes to living liquids...

by soxy0227


Overexcited Kad Feeders
You've made ROFL a very happy Kadoatie.

Idea by horngal24

by kawaii_neokitty2


Petpet Pals-Stick Up
Not literally...

by dragontamer981


Flame of Ice: The Story of a Warrior - Part Four
"The coins," the Draik said calmly, "are magical. They were made long ago after the Gelert defeated the creature by a young Xweetok. She gave them to the Gelert and his friend, a Draik. They were declared the Guardians..."

by kaylamdal111112

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