A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 113,881,443 Issue: 159 | 24th day of Gathering, Y6
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Princess Dream

by alleballe1988

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Once Precious, Twice United
If she really cared she wouldn't have abandoned her favorite pet... her only pet. But that didn't stop her.

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The Adventures of Lisha and Jeran: Heroes Never Die - Part One
"I need your advice on this plan, Jeran," he said. "The King trusts you; you're his number one advisor. So tell me what you think."

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A Peace that Would Lst One Thousand Years?: Part One
"That Skeith said that Darigan is going to attack us! That no-good, two-timing fool Darigan, trying to attack us again!"

by ikkin_with_attitude


The Korbat Who Couldn't Hang: Part One
Isabel glanced down at her right foot, suddenly ashamed of the fact that two of the three claws hadn't developed properly before birth.

by janejinn

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