Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 135,120,765 Issue: 267 | 22nd day of Storing, Y8
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Dubloon Disaster

by ghostcake

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Why Me?!
You will soon find out why you should never trust a 24 hour shopkeeper...

by faerie_zaffy


Why Am I So Blue?
I was a very curious little Xweetok, constantly getting myself into tight situations from which my owner, Elfwick, would have to rescue me. I remember one particular adventure better than any other. It was the adventure that inspired me to become a Defender of Neopia...

by elfwick


Rising Shadow: Part Seven
For the second time in less than twenty minutes, Tenultra had managed to leave Lord Darigan absolutely dumbfounded. For a moment they stared at each other, one blankly and the other helplessly, until Tenultra took pity on her companion and decided to spare him the embarrassment of asking the obvious question...

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Veggie Livin'
Neopets all over are adopting a vegetarian lifestyle. Despite what some nay-sayers may think, like those Chia loving Lupes, a meatless diet is interesting and tasty...

by pixie_dust_318

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