Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 110,063,438 Issue: 169 | 10th day of Celebrating, Y6
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Hannah the Quick...

by ickessler

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A Kadoatery Tale
I don't like it here. It smells. It smells really bad. And, everyone is crying. Crying and crying and crying and they just won't stop...

by sirussblack


One Angry Kyrii: Part One
Dark circles beneath his eyes, the green Kyrii wandered out from his bedroom and into the main living room of the apartment he shared with a certain red Lenny...

by buddy33774


Fond Memories: Spillage
What you see in the Grooming Parlour...

by prettyprincesslady54


What to do AFTER getting the Packrat Avvy
Mission: Try and eliminate 3/4 or so of the 1,200+ pieces of random junk accumulated while earning the "Packrat Avvy (here on out known as PRA)"

by enigma97

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