Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 128,455,649 Issue: 262 | 20th day of Collecting, Y8
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by scar19

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Life of a Lutari: Common Questions Finally Answered
Most of you think we just popped up on a random day, taking the Neopian world by storm and surprise. But this simply isn't the case! We Lutaris have been around just as long as any other pet...

by hannahb23


A Break in Memory: Part One
"Three days now," he moaned, clutching his head in pain. "Today's the worst," he mumbled, sounding a little out-of-it. "It comes, it goes, it comes..."

by appaloosa500


Don't Ask
Woo Hoo, I adore War!

by snowcat737373


A Walk Through Guild HQ
The hall is glistening with gold trophies of past guilds and even framed pictures of some Pet of the Month. People bustle around asking questions and finding out where they are supposed to be. You hope to be a part of this guild community; you just don't know where to begin!

by sra723

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