Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 125,893,067 Issue: 254 | 25th day of Hiding, Y8
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The Adventures of a New Big Sister: Part Two
I clung to Jeanie like a leech, staring with fear at the dark faerie. Trohanex was staring wide-eyed with admiration at her...

by jeanaet


The Search for the Golden Dice: Part Two
Standing on the threshold was an old pirate Lupe, holding a rapier, which he was pointing at Dublin. Dublin stepped back...

by corr2000


The Spell
Most Neopians would be at home preparing a warm serving of salivating Turkey Drumstick Dinner with a nice chilled mug of Thornberry Fruit Grog. My stomach growled audibly at the thought. Not me, though, I thought miserably...

by rainbow2skittle


The Kougra Klan: Part Four
"Oka belongs to us," said another familiar voice behind her. It was a deep, rasping voice, and it sounded is if he were sneering at her...

by ikea_sale

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