Neopian Beards - Friend or Foe? by frog_lovin64
Neck fuzz. Many of the pets in Neopia have this strange beard-like substance.
It is a colorful collar of hair. All Eyries, Usuls, Yurbles, Cybunnies, and Tonus
alike have this strange yet mysterious beard. Although many Neopians find this
a cuddly feature, it strikes a rather large sum of fear into my soul. They could
be hiding anything in that lump or fur just waiting to jump out at you! Sloth's
Sludge Ray, Fishpops,...*shudder* even Adam. I know what you're thinking now.
"Get rid of the creatures! They'll rob our neohomes! They'll make my baby Neopets
cry! They'll make me hungry!" Luckily, you will be able to sleep tonight for I
have discovered what these beards are for and they shall do no such rubbish, unless
you have a strange craving for food.
The Eyrie
Ahh, a neopet worthy of it's name and of it's hair. Notice how the name Eyrie
sounds a lot like ear-ie. Concentrate now...EAR-ie. Do you get it? I hope so.
Anyway, Eyries use their neck fuzz as a third ear (as if you didn't know already)!
The infamous Eyrie, Lord Kass, tried to LISTEN to his enemies in order to find
out what they're afraid of. It didn't really work out too well for him, but
that's not the point of this article. Anyway,Lord Kass isn't the only Eyrie
with impeccable hearing! All Eyries are tri-eared! Even some of the Eyrie owners
in Neopia have provided me with proof that this third ear truly does exist.
"He has such long hair, it needs to be groomed once every so often." -Dudalevine
"As for his favorite food, it would have to the pumpkin pie."-eitriarch
And there you have it. The third ear of the Eyrie (or should I say Ear-ie hehe...ok
not funny) has managed to supply itself with numerous capabilities. Three cheers
for three ears! Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray!
The Usul
The Usul fur collar was specifically hard to figure out. Every time I saw the
Shadow Usul, it kicked me in the shin and then the Shadow Usul drifted off into
well...the shadows. I tried asking Usul owners about the masses of hair below
the head, but they just said it was for decoration. Decoration is a four letter
word (Literately it's ten letters if you were wondering). I am determined to
discover the true meaning behind this! Did you hear me? I said DETERMINED (ten
letters again!)!
But until stop wanting to procrastinate on the subject, you'll be forced to
read this special-chatspeak-explanation-that's-almost-cool. Decipher the following
sentence and win a prize!
d3m pre++i3 +h!ng5 0n u$u1$ n3k5 r f@shunabl3
I was just kidding about that prize bit.
The Yurble
The newest edition to the hairy neck family (even though it came out a few
months ago)! Well uhh, Yurble kind of have beards too uh...ok I didn't do any
research on this one. You must be thinking "What? No Yurble beard news? You
have massacred my childhood dreams! You have destroyed my every hope of growing
a beard! You have robbed my mind of happiness!" Fear not, young Neopian! For
this problem shall be solved with the help of my good friend, sulorongil.
FROGS-Good afternoon, my friend. If you were a yurble, could you tell me what
that beard you have is for? I must say it is a marvelous wonder to me!
SULORONGIL-I really do not know the answer to that profound question. I suppose
a Yurble might grow a beard to scare away predators, or more easily dance the
She speaks the truth! Not only is the hair a stylish feature to the Yurble's
adorable charm, but it also frightens the Snowager, Meuka, and even the battle
faerie away!! And if I do say so myself, the Yurble neck fuzz gives great salsa
lessons as well as the Rumba. I would include a step by step guide to this dance,
but that would be off the subject. I WILL NOT GO OFF SUBJECT. I fear I have
run out of time and I must continue to the next n-n-n-neop-pet.
This neopet sc-sc-scares me out of my w-w-wits. I am s-s-so sorry. I st-stutter
when I-I'm afr-fr-fraid. Because well...along with the beard of doom, this creature
also has that fluffy tail of doom and the tall ears of doom and a strange craving
for carrots...of doom.
Okay I've gotten over the stuttering. Actually to be honest, I was just pretending
to stutter (fooled you again, eh?). And while we're on the subject of honesty,
I don't think Cybunnies are in fact "doomish", my breath is starting to smell
like asparagus, and I put clear plastic wrap over Dr_Death's toilet seat. Notice
how I cleverly said I would not go off subject seven sentences ago.
What's that you say? Am I hearing "Won't you tell us what Cybunny neck fur
is for?" Fear not, young Neopian! For I have the knowledge you seek! Actually,
it's obvious what their neck fur is for. Once I tell you what it's for, you
will feel silly for not having thought of it yourself. It's a carrot-magnet
of course! Why else would you be walking along with a delightfully orange carrot
and it suddenly vanishes? Yes, I understand you could have dropped it in a mysterious
pool of lava, but if there's a Cybunny around *shifty eyes* consider your carrot
to be food (Not that it was edible BEFORE you lost that orange vegetable).
The Tonu
Thank heavens this is the last one! I'm running out of ideas! Whoops, I mean,
I'm running out of ..er..IDOLS. Yeah! That's it! Idols! I envy those who have
beards (who wouldn't?). Beards are so cool! Santa has a beard! Tonus have beards
(Well actually it's more of a mane...eh, close enough.)! And of course Tonus
use those manes, I mean beards, so conveniently! Think about it! It's warm,
It's soft, It smells like peaches, it slices vegetables, it's a portable coat
hanger, it burps like a real baby, it can beat you at poker, it gives haircuts,
it pays your taxes, it does your chores, it helps pedestrians cross a street,
it never needs bathing, it polishes your shoes, it talks to your plants, it
talks to your mom, it makes yogurt, it glows in the dark, it helps you lose
weight, and it comes with a free bumper sticker! Isn't that just grand?
Yes, I know what you're thinking now. You're thinking "Neopets with hairy
necks are great! I want one! Gimme! Gimme!" I'm sorry to say that I cannot give
you a hairy-necked neopet. But if you want one bad enough, try the pound or
create your own! Then you can have one of these magnificent bearded creatures
as your pet!
Phew! All of this lying to millions of Neopians for my own personal satisfaction
is making me hungry! Do I need a pie break or what? Bye! You can go to doing
whatever you were doing now....really you can go now....goodbye! *munch munch*
I love pie. *munch munch* yummmm *munch munch* Oh you're still here? *munch
munch* OK now leave. *Munch munch* Go! You're making me squeemish! *munch munch*
C-ya! Aloha! AdiĆ²s!