The Issue 250 Delivery by precious_katuch14
Also by shadowcristal
AUTHORS' NOTES: This is the sequel to our issue 200 short story, "The
Issue 200 Mystery". But you don't have to read that story to understand
this one.
The Neopian Times publications office was a small, clandestine
room tucked away in the bowels of the Catacombs, where nobody took much notice
of it, except when submitting stories or inquiring about the next line-up for
the succeeding issue of the NT. In fact, the path leading to its doors was bare
except for a couple of pets headed towards it.
"Just think... Issue 250." The blue Cybunny nodded,
her eyes sparkling with glee. "Wouldn't it be fun to do something special for
such a special issue?"
"Hmm... yeah," agreed her faerie Acara companion,
who was actually flitting instead of walking to the publications office. "Maybe
we can write a collaboration article as a tribute to issue 250 of the Neopian
The Cybunny grinned for a moment before frowning
thoughtfully. "That's a nice idea, Glitter... but maybe we should do something
"Like what?" Glitter wanted to know. "Shoot me,
But before Cristal could tell Glitter what she
had in mind, the door loomed before them and they reached out for the doorknob,
disappearing into the office.
* * *
"We're... newspaper deliverers," said Glitter
slowly, adjusting the bag of Neopian Times issues on her back so that it didn't
interfere with her flight. "Delivering newspapers? I thought we were going to
write, or help publish, or do something that doesn't have anything to do with
us running around like..."
The Cybunny glared at her. "Don't you want to
do something for the special release of issue 250?"
Glitter raised her eyebrows. "This isn't what
I had in mind."
"Come on, this won't take such a long time! And
maybe we'll even get a bonus for doing a good job!" Cristal exclaimed. "Not
to mention that my owner complained that we weren't getting enough exercise,
since the Grundo Gym has closed."
"This isn't exactly..." the Acara begun, but
broke off when she noticed the piece of paper in her friend's paws. Small, black
letters were neatly printed on the snowy white sheet, and a quick calculation
told Glitter that they were going to deliver 250 issues of the Neopian Times.
"Isn't it ironic?" the Cybunny inquired. "Now,
I'll take the left side of the street and you take the right one. We'll be done
in no time at all."
"Sure," Glitter replied, but she looked rather
With some grunting and a lot of effort, the two
friends began to hurl their copies of the NT into Neopians' Neohomes. Not every
paper arrived at its proper destination, unfortunately. Burdened by the weight
on her back, the Faerie Acara's throw missed the doorstep and landed into a
decorative pond in the garden. Cristal skipped forward and threw, but she had
thrown too hard, so the newspaper wound up on the roof.
These little mishaps continued for the next hour
or two, until the pets managed to correct their aims to the degree where they
were hitting their targets. Doorstep after doorstep received the 250th issue
of the Neopian Times, until there was one left.
"This one's a mansion," commented Glitter.
"The Neopian Times Mansion..." read Cristal
from the paper."Wow, someone's obsessed..."
And 'obsessed' was an understatement. The huge
four-story mansion was built on a large lot with grass that was allowed to grow
just tall enough to reach Cristal and Glitter's knees. It looked as though it
had been around for quite a while and had been subjected to several repairs
just to keep it from collapsing, but the mansion still stood high and mighty,
emanating an aura of majesty from its stained glass windows and its gently sloping
But it wasn't the mansion that drew the deliverers'
attention. It was the lawn, for within its vast sea of grass lay a multitude
of garden gnomes, assorted statuettes, and miscellaneous bits and pieces that
seemed to be arranged in a very strategic manner.
"Hey, it's a Meepit gnome!" exclaimed Glitter,
pointing to a small figure of a Meepit perched on a stone, its line extended
into a painted stone pond. "Cute, isn't it?"
"Yeah," commented Cristal. "Wait a sec... don't
you think these things look familiar?"
The faerie Acara arched an eyebrow. "What do
you mean?"
"Look closely," was the reply, and Glitter squinted
at the garden accessories that she could still see among the blades of grass.
After a few seconds, she turned to the blue Cybunny.
"They look like... characters I see from the Neopian
Times! One of them looks like a pet my owner once wrote about!"
Cristal pointed to one of the stained glass windows.
"There's a celebrity my owner wrote an article about," she added. "Do you think..."
"And I thought Kat was addicted to the Neopian
Times!" said the Acara, surveying the view and appreciating it more now that
she knew just why it looked that way. "So... shall we?"
"It's our job," said Cristal. "Come on. What
could happen?"
"A lot of things," Glitter said, as a strong
wind rushed across the tall grass and tore her fragile faerie wings.
The two pets moved forward, making their own
little winding path across gnome garden, occasionally stealing glances at those
peculiar yet familiar decorations.
"Look!" the Acara exclaimed, her voice filled
with utter surprise.
"What do you-" the Cybunny started, but broke
off when she noticed what her friend had been pointing at. "It's us..."
It was as they had been copied and turned smaller.
The two gnomes stood together, each holding the same newspaper, the famous issue
200. Similar to a sculpture, the artist that had created those gnomes had captured
their expressions down to the last line. The wings on the gnome Acara's back
fluttered eerily, as she seemed to fly and catch the paper. Cristal noticed
that the stiff, molded version of herself was skipping upwards, and looked alive
enough to jump into the sky.
"Wow," Glitter said, closing in on the gnomes.
"Now that's insane."
The two friends walked closer, completely enchanted
by this spectacular piece of art. Forgetting that they were supposed to deliver
that last paper, each pet touched a gnome.
An ear-splitting screech hit the two pets, and
they recoiled. Glitter and Cristal looked around frantically; as it dawned upon
that it was the noise of the security alarm.
"Look!" the Cybunny cried, pointing at the dark,
grey shadows that were appearing in the horizon.
"That's..." Glitter gasped, "That's a Meepit
"Eeek! I think we'd better run!" Cristal suggested
with some panic.
There was no mistaking the wide, unfathomable
eyes and the large buck teeth of the strange pink petpets as they advanced on
the hapless Acara and Cybunny. Aside from the scuffling noises of their feet
on grass and the screeches that rang out a moment ago, the Meepits were silent
as they regarded the newcomers.
Cristal was about to turn and run for her life,
when she felt two paws grab her arms and lift her over the ground as the Meepits
drew closer.
"I owe you one," she said gratefully to the faerie
Acara. The two were now airborne, soaring several feet off the ground and away
from the sinister horde, none of whom possessed the ability of flight.
"Just be glad I'm not like those guys who forget
for several minutes that they can fly," answered Glitter, grinning down on her
"Escape now, ego later," said Cristal, rolling
her eyes. But she stopped rolling them when she saw what was in front of them.
"Watch out for that tree!"
The faerie Acara gasped and tried to hit the
brakes as quickly as possible, and the two crash-landed on a thick, leafy branch,
where they surveyed their surroundings below.
"Well, at least we didn't crash harder," mumbled
the blue Cybunny, rubbing her forehead.
"The Meepits must probably still be searching
for us," said Glitter, pointing to the sea of pink beneath them. "Shall we wait
till the coast is clear?"
She heard a soft, cooing noise in reply.
"Uh, say that again, Cristal?"
"That wasn't me," said Cristal, who was steadying
herself on the branch. "And I heard it too."
"Then... what was it?"
The Cybunny blinked, noticing a pair of beady
black eyes staring at her.
"It's... it's over there!" she pointed, panic
welling up inside her. What horrible things would descend upon them now? Suddenly
the tree didn't seem to be so safe anymore.
"Shush! Or the Meepits will find us!" the Acara
warned. The Meepit army's footsteps grew occasionally louder as the two pets
looked around, trying to find the mysterious creature who had emitted that cooing
Reaching her paw, the Cybunny made a grab in
the direction of those little eyes. Soft, spooky flutters slowly travelled through
the air as the Weewoo flew forward and pecked Cristal on the nose.
"It's here! Ow! Ouch!"
"Where?" Glitter inquired. Turning her head around,
she saw the little critter fiercely attacking her friend. "Oh no."
"Get it off me! I can't see!" the Cybunny cried.
"It may be fluffy and cute, but that hurts!"
"Umm... Okay." Approaching the White Weewoo carefully,
the Acara extended her paws and clamped them around the petpet's body. Glitter
promptly removed the Weewoo out of pecking range, and both pets sighed in relief.
Squawk! Too late Cristal shut the petpet's beak,
and the Meepit army was alerted of their exact position.
"What do we do now?" the Cybunny wondered.
They heard rustling, fizzling noises underneath
them, and clutched each other as the Meepits began surrounding the tree trunk.
The white Weewoo in Glitter's paws struggled away from her and began squawking
away again, free from Cristal's vicelike grip on its beak, which didn't help
their situation at all.
"Well... can Meepits climb trees?" asked the faerie
Acara, as the Weewoo disappeared into its leafy home again.
"I don't know," said Cristal, "but I'm not sticking
around to find out!"
"Me neither!" agreed Glitter. She paused for
a moment. "So... ready for another ride?"
The blue Cybunny glanced down nervously at the
pink petpets. They looked as though they were planning a new attack strategy.
She turned to her friend. "I'm ready for anything that'll take us away from
these things!"
Cristal barely had enough time to steady herself
as the Acara grabbed her under the arms and soared from the branch that had
served as a saving grace and a trap at the same time. The Meepits followed with
their unblinking stares, some of them moving so that the entire crowd looked
straight ahead at the two of them.
"Can we just deliver the paper now?" said Cristal.
"I know it's really interesting and all that to meet someone who's got Neopian
Times gnomes in their garden, white Weewoos in their trees and Meepits as their
security system... "
"And a house that looks like something out of
a history book with bits and pieces cut out from other different houses," put
in Glitter, relentlessly flying ahead and trying not to look back.
"Yeah, yeah... so where's the front door?"
The Acara turned slightly and dipped a little
lower, realizing she had taken off towards the mansion, which was quite rapidly
approaching them. She skidded and landed, halting in front of a sturdy brick
"We'd better hurry," Cristal commented. "Those
Meepits will be around in just a minute or two."
The milling petpets were coming closer and closer,
as the two pets ran in opposite directions, trying to find the door. Suddenly
they heard a few loud booms.
"What was that?" asked the Acara, and turned
around to find that all those pink little critters were falling into a rather
large hole in the ground.
"That'll buy us some more time," her friend replied.
"Didn't think Meepits were this stupid, though." The Cybunny rapidly skipped
from one opening to another, but to her disappointment, all of them were windows
of some kind.
Impatiently Cristal reached out and pushed a
window, whereas it swung back and promptly smacked her on the nose. She winced
and rubbed that pinkish spot with her paw, hoping that this dreary adventure
would be over soon.
"This place has traps!" the Cybunny exclaimed,
warning her companion. "Any luck?"
"No doors, though there are some holes big enough
for petpets to crawl through."
"Maybe we should work together," Cristal suggested.
Soon she heard wingbeats, and her frayed nerves settled down a little bit.
"I think..." the Acara began, but was cut off
when she bumped into something soft.
A slimy aura enveloped Glitter, as she struggled
to relieve herself of the burden that had latched onto her wings and back. Putting
a paw on that stuff on her back, the Acara felt small bits and pieces of the
bubblegum-like substance rip off.
"Eww!" Cristal exclaimed, examining the gross-looking
pieces on Glitter's paw.
"What is that stuff?" the Acara inquired, folding
her wings and yanking them firmly.
"It's not some stuff... It's The Stuff!" the
Cybunny groaned. "This is like a bad April Fool's joke!"
"The Stuff... that consumes everything in its
way?" Glitter wondered.
That grim reply made the Acara all the more nervous,
and with a last tug, her wings snapped open, giving her some freedom of movement.
As they had suspected, The Stuff followed them,
moving its bulbous mass to take over anything that was in its path. An idea
popped up in Cristal's mind, and she dragged her stunned friend.
They ran forward, stopping to let The Stuff catch
up to them. Then the Cybunny swerved rapidly, doubling back to where they had
come from. Running past all those annoying windows, Cristal soon lost count
of them.
"There!" the Acara exclaimed excitedly, alerting
her of the end of this breakneck pace.
"Is that a door?"
"I think so."
Soon they arrived at the door. It was a heavy
oak door with bright polish, depicting a large number of literary devices that
had appeared in the Times. Fanciful and tall, it loomed above the two pets.
A carved, golden handle protruded from the wooden door in the shape of a quill.
Beside it was a black, round button, the doorbell, closely resembling a bottle
of ink. Last, but not least, a long rope dangled from above, with a tag attached
to it.
"It says 'Pull me'," the Acara read. "What are
we going to do now?"
"Take a chance and take cover when necessary,"
said Cristal. She stood on tiptoe and reached out for the cord, while Glitter
took one frightened step back, her face screwed up as though she were hoping
with all her might that this wouldn't be another one of those crazy traps scattered
around this eccentric Neopian's residence.
As the blue Cybunny pulled the rope, the two
braced themselves. Even Cristal quickly let go of the rope as soon as she had
clutched it.
But as a moment's pause hung before them, nothing
seemed to happen. Glitter and Cristal were about to heave sighs of relief just
as a thundering BING-BONG pierced their ears, echoing throughout their standing
"Nice doorbell," remarked the faerie Acara.
"You were scared," quipped Cristal, raising her
"Not as scared as you were!" said Glitter. "You
should've seen your face - "
Suddenly the door before them creaked open. Before
them stood a purple Aisha not much older than them, her four ears dripping with
different kinds of earrings, ribbons and accessories. What looked like different
pairs of faerie wings was taped to her back, and she looked as though she was
wearing several outfits.
"You must be the Neopian Times delivery personnel!"
she remarked in a perky, chirpy voice. "Welcome to my humble abode! Did you
have any difficulty in locating it... or at least, going to it?"
"Not... really," answered Glitter, digging through
the bag for the last Times they had to deliver. She thrust it into the Aisha's
paws, which were just as heavily decorated with jewelry as her ears. "And... um,
nice outfit."
"I made it myself!" was the excited reply. "I
tried to mimic as many Neopian Times characters and featured celebrities as
possible! It's hard, but I think I've got the Court Dancer, Fernypoo, and even
the Zafara Double Agent, to name a few! I impersonate a different combination
every day. Plus, I make sure that every part of my house pays tribute to the
Neopian Times in some way." She gestured inside the main hall, where a multitude
of Framed Neopian Times adorned the walls, along with several pictures of characters
and even authors and editors. The Acara and Cybunny could only stare at the
majesty of it all.
Cristal twiddled her paws. "So... erm, I guess
we'll be leaving now? This pretty much ends our paper route."
"Oh, it's no problem at all!" said the Aisha.
"After all, I bet you two are just as excited to read issue 250 as I am!"
As Cristal and Glitter said their goodbyes and
wove through the sea of grass and gnomes, they couldn't help but smile. The
faerie Acara shrugged and said, "You know, despite nearly getting whomped by
Meepits, eaten by the Stuff, and annoyed by crazy Weewoos, it was pretty much
worth it."
"We made sure that Aisha gets to read issue 250,"
agreed the blue Cybunny. "And a whole lot of other excited Neopians. I guess
that's a great thing to do..."
"Do you think our owners got their copies?" asked
Glitter. "I'm pretty excited to read it myself."
"Oh, I bet they did."
"If they didn't, I'll get ambushed by a mob of
killer Meepits."
"Don't say that, Glitter."
The End