For an easier life Circulation: 121,679,817 Issue: 245 | 23rd day of Relaxing, Y8
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The Trouble with Being an Electric Kougra

by rosie

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Gone to a better place...

by sharkies


Normal? - Petpet Appreciation Day
Beware the meepits....

by katcrzy559


A Dicey Situation
 "Nah, let'er stay, Grimmy! Arrr, but I love a loser!" cackled the grizzled, one-eyed Eyrie seated on her left...

by perseph4981


Dusk in Tyrannia: Part Four
And then the lights blazed to full brilliance, illuminating Moehawk and setting the song into full swing. This close, I was surrounded by the beat...

by alkuna_

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