Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 120,207,245 Issue: 243 | 9th day of Relaxing, Y8
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Elderly Pets Gone Wild

by wallaroo42

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A Fighting Friend
So this morning we all set out for search of a suitable Petpet. As we live in Maraqua, our first and closest stop was Mystery Island...

by szy7


Always wondered what it'd be like to have his job...

by luluthederangedpig


Noname Diaries: Noname's New Home
"Sqwwaaaaaaaaaaa! Sqwaaaaaaaaaaaa!" he said, which meant, "Ooooh... owwwww!"

by trainer_nella


One Hot Afternoon
Penny the Acara continued dreamily, staring off in the distance. "A delicious, creamy, cold as snow ice cream... Double-chocolate, with plenty of syrup, and I'd just lick it off the spoon as it melts..."

by vulpisarcanis

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