A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 119,635,638 Issue: 241 | 26th day of Hunting, Y8
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by ssjelitegirl

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Knights of Altador: the Darkest Faerie's Wrath - Part One
My mother never told me why I was born that way. She was a red Lupe too, but walked on all fours. My father however, was one of the greatest mysteries in my life. I never knew him...

by hob51


What's the point?

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Sticky Situation
Once upon a time...

Drawn by glowing_banana

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The Fall of Qasala: Part Four
"Qasala will only ever belong to the King or Queen of the city, and will never bow down to Sakhmet. You can try to destroy it, but be warned: we will fight back..."

by danama

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