A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 119,635,638 Issue: 241 | 26th day of Hunting, Y8
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Cracked Up

by cnegri33

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Today in Neopia
Not the rock icon again!

by eyeslikestars


City Lupe on the Plains: Part One
He began to remember his past, back when he was barely old enough to remember it now to his current life... all the way back to when he was a Plains Lupe...

by kindheartedfairy


Why You Should Never Feed a Meepit
I skidded to a halt and around to see Zelda jump up into the lower branches of a tree. On the top there was a meepit stuck in the branches...

by tetra_star213


A Day in Kiko Lake
What a lovely day...

by rose_cel

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