Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 119,635,638 Issue: 241 | 26th day of Hunting, Y8
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A Day in Kiko Lake

by rose_cel

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Glass Stone
The Obsidian Dagger was the thorn in the side of the rich, but no hero of the poor. One person profited from what he did, and he was the one doing it...

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Kois and Peophins: Long Lost Siblings?
One wonder of Neopia is the similarity (yet with fierce differences) between two of the most popular Neopets species: Koi and Peophins. There are rumors that the two are distant relatives.

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Squirrilia's Pages: Cheating
This game cheats.....

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Mysteries Solved: The Safety Deposit Box
The mysteries of the SDB (Safety Deposit Box) are as follows:

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