Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 118,491,560 Issue: 238 | 5th day of Hunting, Y8
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Elderly Pets Gone Wild

by wallaroo42

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The Star of Friendship
Her purple faerie wings fluttered every once in a while, and her violet hair was only slightly disheveled. But this was only on the outside. Inside, the Faerie Queen was furious...

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Random Contest Fandom
Never the same contest twice, the Random Contest is the only competition that everyone has a shot at winning. That's right, everyone! Any age, any talent, any anything! Every week the contest changes...

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My Friends, My Family, and Me
You are probably wondering why I, a once beautiful red Acara, now dingy, unkempt, and dirt poor, am standing in line in the Soup Kitchen...

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How to Win Battledome Fights*
*Winning not guaranteed

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