Pishicu and the Wisdom Council: Part Eleven by chipster33
"Are you guys ready to get rid of these pesky Dark Faeries?" Terskun asked all
of the other members of the Wisdom Council. They nodded earnestly, clutching all
of the Eternity Orbs that they had gathered in their paws, wings, and hands. "Good!
We all know what to do, right?"
"Terskun, you went over that in the clearing
the night Amar cast a spell on them, they all know what to do!" Pishicu hissed
at her brother.
"Just checking," the Draik said with a smile.
"Come on Terskun, let's get on with this," Fedle
urged. He was looking at the cascades of shattered ice which were over the Dark
Faeries, and he could obviously see what the Faeries were doing underneath.
"They might get out in a minute or so, and I don't want to take that chance."
"Right!" they all agreed.
"Now Pishicu, just in case anything goes wrong
I want you to stay hidden in the tunnel or somewhere. I don't want the Faeries
to get a chance to see you," Terskun whispered to his little sister.
Normally the Poogle would've been hesitant to
do so, but she could tell by the urgency in his voice that he was just doing
this for her own safety.
"All right," she agreed.
Then Pishicu backed up into the tunnel and watched
as the Wisdom Council pets started to form a circle, and chanting mystical words
that she had never heard before. Then they were surrounded by an unearthly,
white glow, and the Eternity Orbs started to turn a deep purple.
Sisle watched the pets perform the ceremony to
destroy the Eternity Orbs. Sweat began to run down her pretty face for the fear
of being destroyed. She then gritted her teeth, convincing herself that it wouldn't
happen and yelled to the others.
"Give this shield all that you've got! We're
going to break it down and stop them! Put your full power into it!" she yelled
to her fellow Faeries.
They all nodded and started using their powers
to the best effect. Amar and Sisle were creating fireballs and other things
of the like and thrusting them at the shield. Kathry and Annecy, since their
power was useless against it, were just ramming into the shield over and over
and over. Bebaru was creating ice shards and smashing them against the horrid
surface that was keeping her locked up. Gradually the shield began to weaken,
but would it collapse in time?
Pishicu was amazed at how much the five pets
were glowing now; they were practically radiating with power. She took off her
glasses, which were magnifying the light, and squinted desperately to see what
was going on. Yessey was rising her Eternity Orb that she was carrying above
her head, and then, suddenly, she brought it crashing to the ground where it
shattered like a piece of thin glass.
Sisle turned in horror as she saw Amar disappear
with a horrible scream. They had already destroyed one orb, and the others would
be sure to follow.
Next Pishicu watched as Levita lifted her purple,
glowing orb, then thrust it to the floor, where it shattered into a million
tiny pieces, which then faded into thin air.
Another scream rang throughout the shielded area,
and Sisle peered out of the corner of her eye to see who it was. The second
Dark Faerie that went was Kathry, and all Sisle could do was shake her head.
There was no time to mourn now.
Then Rucsk lifted his Eternity Orb as high as
he possibly could, and the Poogle could've sworn that she saw a grin flash across
his face, but then it faded, and he threw it down where it broke.
There was a crack and Sisle realized the shield
that was imprisoning her and the remaining Dark Faeries was weakening. She turned
to her companions with a smile, but the smile quickly faded when she heard another
scream. Sisle winced at first when she saw Annecy disappear in a puff of purple
mist, but then she shrugged it off. She always found her rather obnoxious anyway,
so it wasn't a terribly big deal.
Pishicu heard a crack, and she started to turn
to the shield which the Dark Faeries were under, but then she heard the sound
and broken glass so she turned back to the glowing circle of the Wisdom Council.
It seemed that Fedle had just destroyed another Dark Faerie Eternity Orb.
Bebaru let out a loud scream and vanished into
a purple mist. Sisle gritted her teeth as she realized that she would be next.
"NO!" she hissed to herself. "I am not going
like this!"
Then, she summoned the most powerful spell she
could think of and blasted the shield. It finally gave way, and hundreds of
crystal shards fell on top of her. They pierced her burgundy wings, but she
cared not. She flapped them vigorously and flew swiftly towards the pets. She
would stop them if it was the last thing she ever did!
Terskun was just about to raise his orb to get
rid of Sisle, the last Dark Faerie, when it happened. The shield Rucsk had placed
around the Dark Faeries broke, and Sisle had escaped. Pishicu quickly put her
glasses back on, hoping it was a figment of her imagination, but alas, it was
not. The Faerie burst through the crystal shards Yessey had collapsed on her,
and with tattered wings she flew towards the Wisdom Council.
"GUYS! WATCH OUT!" Pishicu screamed, for they
seemed unaware of their surrounding. "SISLE ESCAPED!"
She noticed that Terskun's eyes widened a bit,
and he tried to break the Eternity Orb in time, but Sisle crashed into them,
breaking their circle and destroying the whole ceremony. Terskun was thrown
against a wall, but he still held her Eternity Orb tightly in his hand, determined
not to let it go. The others had fallen to the floor with grim looks on their
"You fools, you thought you could get rid of
me! Well now I shall make you pay!" the Dark Faerie screamed. Her normally pretty
face had lost all its beauty, and now she just looked mad with rage. Then she
lifted up her hands and yelled some words that Pishicu did not understand. Suddenly,
screaming erupted in the cave. The Poogle looked to see whom it was from, and
was shocked to see that it was coming from all of the Wisdom Council pets but
Instead she smiled, and her eyes glittered
with hatred and spite. Suddenly we felt horrible, too horrible to describe.
It was as if someone had brought all your fears, all your bad memories, and
all the pain you had ever experienced in your whole life back to you in one
instant, Terskun had told her about Sisle that night a just few days ago.
Pishicu yelped in fear as she realized that Sisle was using that power now,
and she was trying to convince Terskun to give her the Eternity Orb!
Sisle fluttered over to him, a glint of evil
in her eye. "You know what I want Terskun, and you know that they'll going to
have to suffer until you give it to me," she hissed.
Terskun raised his hand and pointed to her. For
an instant, she looked like she froze, but then it faded. Pishicu gasped, Terskun's
powers weren't working against hers!
"Fool! You know that your measly powers have
no affect on me!" she cackled. "Now hand it over!"
Terskun winced and gave her a steely glance.
For a moment he seemed like he was going to try to fight her, but then a high
pitched scream from Yessey rang out through the room, and he gave in. Slowly
he held out his hand where the yellow orb was resting peacefully.
Sisle smiled and reached out her hand to grab
it with a triumphant look on her face.
"There, now let them go!" Terskun demanded.
The Dark Faerie then started to laugh, and Pishicu
saw Terskun's face go pale. "You really are a fool! How could you not predict
that I wouldn't keep my word? Well now you're going to pay for that mistake!"
Then Terskun joined the rest of the Wisdom Council pets in a huddled, whimpering
Pishicu couldn't stand it any more. She knew
that Terskun had told her to hide, but she couldn't take this.
"TERSKUN, NO!" she screamed. Finally she dove
from her position behind the cave wall, and leapt upon Sisle.
"You let my little brother and the rest go!"
she screamed as she grabbed Sisle around the neck.
The Faerie seemed slightly taken aback at this
turn of events, but it phased her little. She murmured some magic words, and
suddenly Pishicu went flying back up against the crystal walls.
Sisle turned around to stare at her, and then
her eyes lit up. "You're that Poogle who I sent out at the beginning. You're
the one who has been helping them, aren't you?"
Pishicu nodded, setting her face stern so that
she didn't show that pain that her back was feeling.
"You've caused me quite a bit of trouble young
lady," Sisle said, her voice a dangerous whisper. She then started to fly over
to where Pishicu was standing, a grim smile on her face.
"Glad I had the honor too," Pishicu hissed.
The Dark Faerie chuckled. "You have spunk, but
that's not going to save you. Good-bye." Then Sisle summoned a giant ball of
darkness and chucked it at Pishicu.
The Poogle was so shocked that she didn't move;
she just stared at the incoming sphere of doom. It hit her smack in the chest,
and drove her back into the wall, this time actually driving her into it. However,
she forced herself to get up again, her back covered in dust from the last blast.
She started to walk over to Sisle, determined to get the Eternity Orb back.
Sisle stared at her in interest, surprised that
she hadn't given up. "Oh well," she muttered to herself. She raised her hand
again and summoned another dark sphere and threw it at Pishicu.
This time Pishicu didn't have the strength to
move out of the way in time, and was thrown up against the wall again. Her bones
were aching, and she had innumerable bruises now, but once again she got to
her feet and started to walk towards Sisle.
"You just don't know when to quit, do you little
Poogle?" Sisle spat, slightly annoyed now. "I've spent too much time on you,
already, so let me finish this now!" The Dark Faerie then stretched out her
hands and muttered the same words that she had used on the pet members of the
Wisdom Council.
Pishicu was shocked when it first happened, for
she had felt nothing like it before. All of her old bruises and scars seemed
to becoming back, but instead of there being searing pain just for a second
then dying down a bit, the pain did not disperse. It stayed strong as ever,
and it brought Pishicu too her knees. Then memories came back, but not good
memories, the worst she had ever had. Like the time some pets had made fun of
her glasses during the beauty contest and called her a loser; the time Chipster
wouldn't believe her when she said that she had not stolen an Usuki from the
Toy Shop, and grounded her for two weeks; the time when her Dragoyle, Sparkle,
had mysteriously gone missing...
The internal and external pained overwhelmed
the poor Poogle, for it was like nothing she had ever experienced before, and
she fell to the floor. She knew this was the end for her, she couldn't stand
it any longer. This was the end, it had to be... Ten seconds later she blacked
out in a shivering heap.
Pishicu, Pishicu heard a few voices call.
Pishicu... You have to get up Pishicu...
The Poogle did not stir from her position, but
just said very quietly, "No, I can't. I can't take anymore."
Pishicu, get off your lazy butt and open your
eyes-- we're trying to talk to you! a familiar voice chirped. It sounded
almost like Yessey...
The Poogle opened her eyes instantly, and found
to be that she seemed to be floating in a see of darkness. She could see nothing
for miles round, except for some yellow, glowing figures that resembled...
cried as she ran over to hug them. "Oh, it's so good to see you--" It was then
that she reached them, and ran through them. "A-are you ghosts?" she stuttered,
now thoroughly scared.
No, not exactly, Fedle muttered with a
grin on his face.
"Th-then what are you?"
We are called Kelvas. We're apart of every being
alive that has a single ounce of kindness in their hearts, though they are never
aware of use being there. We do not speak out normally, we wait to be contacted,
but when the body we reside in is in need, we will cry out and try to find someone
who will be able to hear us and speak to us, and we will try to help them save
ourselves. So rarely are we successful, for so little have that power to hear
the voices of kindness, but for some reason we were able to contact you. You
must save your brother and his friends, you must not let Sisle win! the glowing
figure that resemble Terskun exclaimed.
"But I told you, I can't take anymore! I won't
be able to do this by myself!" Pishicu cried, tears running down her cheeks.
You won't be by yourself, the Kelva of
Levita said with a smile. Didn't you hear? We shall be with you. We'll be
helping you defeat Sisle throughout the whole time. You shall have all the powers
of your friends, for we have those powers as well. You can win Pishicu! you
can defeat Sisle! Have faith!
Pishicu stared at them in awe, still uncertain
about what was going on and if she could do what they were asking.
Pishicu, go now! Set free our bodies that
are in pain! Linger no longer on doubt, but do what you know you must! We will
be with you! the Terskun Kelva exclaimed.
And that's when the dark place started to fade,
along with the glowing figures of the Wisdom Council.
But before they were completely gone, a few words
resounded in Pishicu's head, We will be with you...
The next thing she knew she was back on her stomach
on the cold, crystal ground of the cave, the pain of Sisle's spell now gone.
She really didn't feel any different, and she wasn't sure if what had happened
had been a dream or not. Then a scream and a cold cackle rang out throughout
the room. Pishicu lifted her head and saw that it had come from Terskun this
time, and the Dark Faerie was laughing at him! She gritted her teeth and growled
very deeply at Sisle, knowing she couldn't take this from her anymore. Whether
or not those things she had seen in her dream were going to help her, she had
to try.
Reluctantly, she tried to get on her feet, and
found it incredibly easy. Last time she tried to get up she remembered her legs
aching, but now they seemed as good as new, if not better.
Pishicu, baring her teeth with dislike, started
to run over to Sisle. The sound of her feet pounding against the floor echoed
throughout the room, and Sisle turned around before Pishicu could reach her.
"You're alive? I thought I had disposed of you!
Oh well... Say good-bye little Poogle!" she cried, and then tried to recast
the spell that had almost done Pishicu in before.
For a second, the Poogle was worried, then she
felt something from inside her erupt. She stretched out her hands like she had
seen Rusck do, and right before the spell hit her a shield appeared from no
We will be with you...
"H-how did you do that?" Sisle inquired, fear
flashing in her eyes.
Pishicu said nothing, but a sly smile flashed
on her lips. She couldn't believe it! She had Rucsk's power! The figures in
the void were right! But what about the others' powers; did she have them too?
Pishicu had to find out. So then she lifted her
paw and tried to concentrate. "Terskun's power, I want to use Terskun's power..."
she thought to herself.
We will be with you...
Suddenly, it felt as if firecrackers went off
on her paw, except it wasn't nearly as painful. She stared at Sisle with a grin
and suddenly she saw Sisle grow rigid everywhere except her wings.
"It worked!" Pishicu cried, thrilled at this
She looked at her brother and his friends, and
found that the spell had been lifted off of them slightly with this new development.
They were still on the floor, but their twitching had ceased and all that could
be heard from them was a small whining sound, like a Gelert pup makes when it's
taken from it's mother.
"Guys, wake up!" Pishicu demanded irritably.
It was then that the hold she had possessed over
Sisle was shattered, and the firecracker feel in Pishicu's hand ceased. The
Poogle gulped, for she knew that the Dark Faerie couldn't be very happy right
And indeed she wasn't. Sisle was looking at Pishicu
with such intense range that if she had wanted too, she could have made Faerie
Toast. Her lip was curled in a sneer as she brushed a strand of blonde hair
behind her ear.
Then she formed the words, "This ends now!"
She lifted her hands, which now looked rather
claw-like instead of the delicate, dainty things they had resembled before,
and summoned the strongest spell she could muster, a gigantic orb of black,
and threw it at Pishicu.
"LEVITA'S POWER!" the Poogle thought desperately
as the orb headed straight for her.
We will be with you...
All of a sudden Pishicu was thrown into the white
portal again, and ended up on the ground a few feet away from where Sisle was
hovering in the air. The black orb smashed into the ground, and spread dust
everywhere. It was impossible to see, so Sisle didn't know where to aim for
the Poogle next. Cold sweat ran down her brow as she wondered what to do.
"Fedle's power!" Pishicu thought to herself with
a smile, knowing that she was winning this battle.
We will be with you...
Suddenly, Pishicu saw clearly through the dust,
and her dirty glasses, and recognized Sisle fluttering nervously through the
She smiled, relishing the moment, and then triumphantly
thought, "Yessey's Power!"
We will be with you...
Though Pishicu could not see anymore, she remembered
the area where Sisle had been flying. The power that she had felt when she had
been Yessey before burned in her arms, and with a gleeful smile she raised her
arms and brought down many crystal shards from the top of the cave upon the
evil Faerie.
Sisle screamed and brought her hands up to try
to protect her for lack of a better devise. While doing this, she dropped her
Eternity Orb, which rolled a little ways away. The shards fell on top of her,
but they did not get rid of her, for only one thing could do that.
"Oi vai..." Terskun muttered as he rose to his
feet, rubbing his head bitterly. The other members were getting up too, all
of them looking weary and woe-begone.
"TERSKUN, CATCH!" Pishicu screamed as she chucked
Sisle's Eternity Orb at the Draik.
He immediately became alert and grasped it in
his paws.
"Everyone, Sisle won't stay down long! Hurry!"
Pishicu screamed.
They nodded their heads, and then formed the
circle again. They started to chant, then to glow. Then Terskun began to raise
the Eternity Orb...
The pile of crystals that Sisle was underneath
began to shake and the Dark Faerie started to emerge.
"No you don't!" Pishicu screamed as she pounced
on top of her.
Sisle reached around to grab the Poogle, but
then a crash rang throughout the room.
"Bye," Pishicu whispered as she stared at Sisle
with a glint in her eye.
The Faerie looked up at her with horror, and
then started to scream. Her features became less and less defined, and finally
she disappeared into a purple mist.
For a second the room was silent, but as soon
as the second passed cheers erupted throughout the cave. The left over members
of the Wisdom Council ran over to Pishicu and hugged her, ecstatic with joy.
"What'd you do?" Yessey called over the screams
of joy.
"Who cares!" Levita yelled as she gave Fedle
a kiss on the cheek. "She helped stop Sisle! If it wasn't for her, Sisle would
still be here instead of us!"
"Good point!" Yessey cried as she gave Pishicu
a large hug. "Thanks!"
Ten minutes later...
The hugging had finally ceased, and everyone
was gathering their wits. Levita, preparing for making a portal to transport
them all to Faerie Castle, was sitting against a sparkling wall.
"Okay, I'm ready!" she cried, a grin on her face.
All of the pets started to head over to her,
but then Pishicu grasped Terskun's arm.
"Terskun, we need to go back home first; Me because
I belong there, you because you owe Chipster an explanation," she said sternly.
Terskun stared at her hesitantly. "It's against
the rules--" he started.
"Me knowing about all of this is against the
rules too! Oh Terskun, forget the stupid rules for once and tell Chipster what
she deserves to know!"
"She's right y'know," Fedle muttered as he nudged
the Draik.
Terskun looked exasperated at his, but finally
nodded. "I owe it to Chipster," he consented.
Terskun had flown himself and Pishicu over too
Chipster's house by the time the sun rose. When they got there, he had promptly
attached himself to the Spiky Bush in the front yard.
"I'm not going. I'm not going, Pishicu!" he cried
as he clung desperately to it.
"Terskun, c'mon! It will be okay! Just come on!"
Pishicu cried as she pulled her brother's tail.
"Let go Pishicu! I'm not going!" the Draik yelled
as he swished his tail and threw the Poogle off.
"Well why not?" she hissed after she had promptly
landed in the Altrabud next to the sidewalk. "You were perfectly confident when
we left Faerieland!"
"There are so many things that could go wrong!
I didn't have time to ponder about them before, but during the flight... Well
think about it! Chipster might tell someone about the Wisdom Council, or she
might forbid me to leave for it! Fyora-- she might even make me share
my position with you! I'm not going! I refuse!"
The Poogle got up, dust the dirt off of her legs
and behind, and sauntered over to her brother. She let out a long, exasperated
sigh and placed her paws on her hips. "You're really something, you know that?
You're the mighty Terskun, a neopet who practically helped save Neopia, and
yet you're afraid of a teenage girl!"
The Draik looked up at her, red spots glowing
on his cheeks.
"As for you're fears, first of all, what do you
think Chipster will do to tell people-- write a story about the whole thing?
You're off your rocker, I swear. Secondly, I'm almost one-hundred percent certain
that she won't make you stay. Besides, if she does want you to stay, she's going
to be in shock for the next two hours so you'll have time to leave and then
some. Thirdly, she might only make you share your position if I whine about
it or something, but I quite honestly have no wish to be in a position of that
much responsibility. I mean, I know I'm not that smart, but I'm smart enough
to know that me having a chance to decide the fate of Neopia is a bad idea.
It will be find Terskun, trust me!" Pishicu cried.
Terskun sighed at this, knowing his sister was
right. Gradually, he let go of the bush.
"That's better! Now get on your feet before you
soil yourself!"
Terskun shook her head at her pitiful attempt
at a joke, and rose to his feet. He then walked over to the door and grabbed
the knocker, which he brought down hard three times.
The two pets waited outside the house, trying
to avoid leaning against the jelly walls. Then a sound of heavy feet reached
their ears, and it continued to grow louder.
"That'll be Chipster," Terskun said dryly. He
seemed a little unnerved, and Pishicu had nothing to say to him this time because
in all honesty, she was too.
Suddenly the door flew open, and a brown-haired
girl dressed in blue pajamas stood in the doorway and looked down at them in
a shocked way. For a second there was silence, but then the girl's face broke
into a smile, and she lunged upon her pets to wrap them into a gigantic hug.
"PISHICU! TERSKUN! My babies! Oh, oh my! You're
both safe! I was worried sick! You were gone much longer than your letter said
you would be! I was expecting a day, max, but when it hit day two... I didn't
know what to do! I'm so glad you're back!" Chipster cried as she ran up and
hugged her pets, completely oblivious to all that they had done.
"We're glad to be back too, Chipster," Pishicu
said as she hugged her owner back. Terskun nodded, and hugged her too.
"But where-- where were you guys?" the girl asked
as she let them both go.
Pishicu started to open her mouth, but Terskun
interrupted her. "Pishicu," he said, "if you don't mind, I believe I owe Chipster
this explanation. It does really all start with me."
Chipster gasped and stared at her Draik. "You...
"I spoke more than five words, yes, shocking
isn't it?" Terskun muttered with a sinister smile. "Now if you don't mind, can
we go into the living room and discuss all this? It's going to take an awful
long time, you know, and I think it will be best if you sit down. Now come on
Chipster, I have a lot of explaining to do."
The girl nodded blankly, still in shock, and
followed her pet.
In the weeks that followed, life resumed to a
normal pace, well, as normal as it could've been for Pishicu's family. Chipster
was still in awe over the whole thing, but she did her very best, which wasn't
overly spectacular, to hide it. Terskun was popping in and out between his duties
as a member of the Wisdom Council, and occasionally other members dropped by
with him. They told them little of the decisions they made, but Terskun did
reassure them that they had found five very well qualified Faeries to take the
place of the evil ones, which relieved Pishicu greatly. However, though the
Poogle should have been very relaxed, a lot of time she seemed as if she was
in contemplation. When others asked her about it, she shook it off, and told
them that it was nothing.
Of course, when someone says something is "nothing"
it is almost guaranteed to be "something." In fact, she was dwelling on something
that her Draik brother had told her when she first found out about the Wisdom
Council, which seemed like ages ago. Terskun had said that every pet has a special
power, but few ever use it and even fewer can control it. Back there, when she
had overcome Sisle's spell and communicated with the Wisdom Council's Kelva,
she had done something special; could that have been her special power?
And if it was, could she use it again? Pishicu wasn't sure, and she wasn't going
to ask anyone since no one exactly knew what had happened on that fateful day
and she really didn't feel like explaining it to them. But somewhere in her,
somewhere deep, deep down, Pishicu knew that what she had felt that there had
to be something special and unique to her, and that it was the start of extraordinary
things to come. For when one extraordinary thing happens, another is almost
sure to follow.
The End.
Author's Note: All events in this story are pure fiction. My pets aren't
really different from any other pets with the except that they were the main
characters in this story. Any pets/other things in this story with the same
names as one of the other characters are pure coincidence. And as far as my
knowledge go, the Wisdom Council isn't real. Hope you enjoyed my story! ~chipster33