Meow Circulation: 98,662,396 Issue: 167 | 19th day of Storing, Y6
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Scene of the Crime

by ickessler2

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A Storybook Tale: Part One
"Have fun with what?" Lexicae thought, quite confused. "Oh well, a free book... I won't complain."

by shadowcristal


Gilbert the Poogle: Part Three
"Don't be so sad, Gilbert," Ruby tried her best to console the wailing Poogle. "It isn't your fault for not being adept at games. Um, how about your owner? She would have enough Neopoints to spend."

by scarletrhapsody


The Grey Faerie's Purpose
It was on this day that a faerie was walking through the dusty, empty alleyways in Neopia Central. This faerie was different though. Her hair, which had once probably been a beautiful, airy blond, was limp and white. The ponytail that she held it in was all but falling out...

by a_fowl_rox


The Woes of an Avatar Pet: Part One
"But what is this place that she wants me to go to?" I asked Cassie shyly. "Why should I go?"

by precious_katuch14

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