A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 120,559,293 Issue: 234 | 7th day of Eating, Y8
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Neopian Insanity

by cosmicfire918

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Great stories!


The Replacement Courtier: Part Five
"What is the meaning of this?" King Skarl roared, seized by bad temper at the sudden collapse of one of his guests...

by senya


The Treasured Diary: Part Nine
"We are a brotherhood of those who seek to bring light where there is darkness, to return what is ours by right! When we took the oath, the holy title, we promised to bring honor back to the wrongly shamed Gansvere!"

by twirlsncurls5


As he caught a glimpse of a small Goldy, he dove into the water and quickly snatched it out of the low water...

by kesenaie0


The Issue
"Mrailly, wake up, wake up, it's the weekend and Sarah said we're going to Faerieland!"

by sarahsmithies

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