Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 114,369,520 Issue: 229 | 23rd day of Awakening, Y8
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Evil Feepit

by fmoura_98

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Cybunny Collector : Plushie War
This plushie is limited edition!

by pogdespero


Finding the Way
Cat peeked out from under her headdress, where she had taken refuge. "Did she actually stop talking?" she asked, amazed. "My ears are still ringing, I can't tell."

by jade_steel


Allysialover and the Root Beer Barrels!
Inside the small bag were approximately ten little Root Beer Barrels. I stared at the Barrels, my mouth watering. I had always LOVED Root Beer Barrels, but I rarely got them. I ran up to my owner with the bag, jumping up and down...

by allysiasrock


Random Storys - Mootix Madness
Remember: NEVER carry a Mootix longer than one year...

by karatehuendchen

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