The Five Kaus: Part Three by jacob133
During the course of the day, Neopia came face to face with
a terror in the shape of an unsuspecting Red Kau. All Neopets that came across
him claimed they were minding their own business, but the Kau was able to find
some reason to put them in the hospital. Be it a glance of curiosity or a happy
tune being whistled, he attacked them without remorse.
The speed at which he traveled and the ferocity
of his attack passed over the land so quickly no one was able to retaliate against
him. And by the time there was a force strong enough to contend with him... he
was gone. It was as if he wasn't on Neopia anymore.
Later that night, Jacob, Whooper and the four
Metonots sat around a campfire. Whooper was still quickly looking back and forth
to each Metonot before him, still trying to decide which one was its true master,
while Yellow Metonot kept shaking and crying out little yelps of surprise every
time a loud snap from the fire went off.
"So," said Jacob as he scratched his cheek.
"I think we all need an introduction, seeing as we don't all know each other
that well."
"What do you mean you don't know me?" whined
Blue Metonot. "You've been my caretaker for the past few years. How can you-"
"What I think he means," interrupted White Metonot
as he put a hoof to his chin, "is that he doesn't know what we, the essence
of Metonot, have become."
"The 'essence of Metonot'?" asked Jacob.
"Ever since I have awoken from the experimental
ray's effect, I have been observing each of us and how we act, each of us believing
that we are Metonot. I know for a fact that I AM Metonot, as I have memories
of my life with Jacob. But when all of you mentioned these memories as well,
there involves a paradox, as only one of us could have memories."
"Are you saying three of us aren't the real
Metonot?" yet again whined Blue Metonot. "I AM the real Metonot. Why would I
"I didn't say you were lying," reassured White
Metonot. "If you would let me finish-"
"Oh no!" cried out Yellow Metonot, who began
to shake even more. "Does that mean I might not be real? It can't be true! I
know I exist!"
"Be quiet, all of you!" screamed an exasperated
Jacob. "ALL of you are Metonot!"
"Precisely," said White Metonot, clanking his
hoofs together with victory. "We are all Metonot, or more like the essence OF
him. We are each a part of that which makes him whole."
"Well, what does that mean?" questioned Yellow
Metonot, who was now getting over his shakes after hearing he did indeed exist.
"The experimental lab ray was designed to alter
the five basic attributes of all Neopets: strength, speed, defense, intellect,
and endurance. However, no Neopet body could possibly contain such power in
itself. An explosion would most likely occur!" Jacob scratched his cheek at
hearing this. "Thankfully, this did not happen in our case. Instead, Metonot,
our original form which we have sprung from, split into five pieces, each accompanying
the five attributes.
"However, physical traits can be separated into
different bodies, but not a whole mind. Therefore, when we were split into each
of our distinctive forms, Metonot's mind also split apart, giving us each a
certain aspect of his psyche."
"I still don't have any idea what that means,"
said Yellow Metonot.
Jacob grunted in frustration, and kicked fiercely
out at the fire, sending sparks of flame almost within reach of Yellow Metonot.
He cried out in surprise, and went immediately running off, his ultra fast feet
taking him to a hiding spot fifty feet away in just two seconds.
"What he means," cried out Jacob, cupping his
hands so that Yellow Metonot could hear him, "Is that you have super speed,
and that you have Metonot's cowardice, which I don't particularly enjoy!"
"Exactly," said White Metonot. "Although I would
have used a much more pacifist way to get the point across, that's exactly the
"Whatever," said Jacob with a wave of his hand.
"As long as things get done, I don't care. Anyways, let's figure out the rest
of you guys. You," pointing at Blue Metonot, "have inherited the sadness of
"What?" said the Blue Metonot. "Shouldn't sadness
be the trait Grey Metonot has?"
They all looked at Grey Metonot, who had remained
silent throughout the whole proceeding. It looked like he was almost asleep,
and didn't care about the bickering of the others around him.
"I don't think so," said Grey Metonot matter-of-factly.
"I wasn't the one whining the whole time."
"Hey! It's not my fault Jacob set up camp in
direct contact with the cold wind," complained Blue Metonot.
"That's settled then," said Jacob. "Now we just
need to figure out what attribute you have super powered... hey, what's that
up in the sky behind your shoulder, Blue Metonot?"
Curious, Blue Metonot looked behind him, and
suddenly felt something bang off his head. Stunned but not hurt, he turned back
to Jacob and exclaimed, "What was that?"
"You're not hurt?" asked Jacob, sounding surprised.
"No, I don't think so," replied Blue Metonot,
who began to check his body for cuts or bruises... when he noticed the large
boulder sitting a few feet away from him.
"You threw a boulder at my head!?!" cried out
Blue Metonot, devastated that Jacob would do such a thing.
"Well, I already figured you had the defense
attribute, so I didn't think you were going to get hurt. Now I've got proof."
"And what if I did get hurt?"
Looking rather sheepish, Jacob ran a hand through
his hair and said, "Then I suppose you would be going to bed early tonight."
Blue Metonot began to whine even louder than
before, but this did not stop White Metonot from saying, "I, on the other hand,
and I am sure it's apparent to you, have inherited super powered intellect and
the logic of Metonot's mind."
"It's painfully apparent," said Jacob. "And
the red one that ran off somewhere inherited super strength, all of which is
fueled by Metonot's anger."
While White Metonot nodded with approval, Jacob
looked over at Grey Metonot, who was now almost asleep. "And just what part
of Metonot's mind do you represent?" asked Jacob.
"Isn't it obvious?" said Grey Metonot, eyes
still closed.
"Well, you certainly aren't his sadness, as
was pointed out with the blue one over there, so I don't really have a clue."
Grey Metonot grunted a laugh and said, "I'm
Metonot's happiness."
"What? That can't be right. How can you be Metonot's
happiness? I mean, you're... miserable."
Grey Metonot opened one tired eye and looked
straight at Jacob. "I know," and he turned over, going right to sleep.
Outside the atmosphere of Neopia, a spaceship
was docking into the Virtupets Space Station. To the workers there it was just
another cargo ship, and they would follow the routine as they always have. They
never expected a Red Kau to burst through the steel cargo bay doors and into
the Space Station.
"Sound the alarm!" cried out a Grundo. "Sound
The unfortunate Grundo was kicked into a nearby
spaceship, and was soon accompanied by another as the alarm sounded. Gun turrets
opened up from the walls and entrances into the Station started to close off.
"Shut that racket of an alarm off!" yelled Red
Guns began to fire upon Red Metonot, who ran
straight for one of the closing doors. He was halfway there when it slammed
"Do you think a stupid door can stop me? DO
Crashing through the doors, he was greeted by
a squad of soldiers. Needless to say, they didn't fare as well as those in the
docking bay.
The sun rose to find Jacob and company rising
to the new morning, smoke still rising from the ashes of the previous night's
fire. Being what he was, Yellow Metonot was the first up and quickly scanned
the perimeter of the camp to make sure nothing was stolen during the night and
no thieves were going to rob them while they were still groggy.
Instead of finding anything along those lines,
he saw a squad of flying troops off in the distance, bearing down right at them.
Freaking out, Yellow Metonot began to quickly tap awake the still resting Jacob.
And because of his extreme agility, he was tapping Jacob close to ten times
a second.
"What? What is it?" moaned Jacob, pushing away
Yellow Metonot and then wiping at his eyes.
"There are flying soldiers coming in our direction!
They will be here any minute!"
Awake but still muddled, Jacob looked in the
direction Yellow Metonot pointed and grunted. "Troops from Faerieland. I was
wondering when they would come."
"What do you mean they are from Faerieland?
You knew they were coming? Why didn't you tell me? What are we going to do?"
"Calm yourself, Yellow Metonot," said White
Metonot, fully awake and ready for travel. "Faerieland, as the most powerful
of lands, maintains order within Neopia. At this time, they aren't at war, so
they mainly deal with civil disputes between Neopets and their masters, or when
a Neopet should ever escape the care of their master."
"Exactly," said Jacob as he got to his feet,
dusting off the dirt from his clothes. "They have probably found Red Metonot
or will give a status report so we can help capture him."
"But how were they able to find us?" worried
Yellow Metonot. "We are out in the wilderness! How could they have known?"
"Aw, come on!" whined Blue Metonot before Jacob
could reply. "They are protectors of Neopia and outfitted by Faerieland's armory.
Don't you think they would have a seeing stone or two to help them?"
"Oh no! They are always watching us! They know
everything we are doing at all times! What are we going to do?" and Yellow Metonot
began running about the camp at top speed until Jacob placed an open sack in
his path. He ran into the bag, and Jacob closed off the opening and threw him
over his shoulder.
"Well," Jacob sighed. "I'm ready to go. Grey
and Blue Metonot, get yourselves ready for the visitors."
"Hey! Let me out of this bag! I'm scared of
the dark!"
"Don't you worry, Yellow one," patting the bundle
over his shoulder. "You have nothing to fear, since you are right next to me.
I won't let anything happen to you. I promise."
A whine escaped through the confines of the
sack, but nothing more. While all of them got through their morning routines,
Jacob overlooked the Metonots with amusement. He noticed all the little quirks
they did, recognizing them for what Metonot truly was.
White Metonot began to systematically do all
the morning chores, first by putting out the still burning embers of the fire.
Then he began making breakfast for everyone present, making sure everyone got
an equal portion.
Blue Metonot whined that it wasn't enough food
for him to eat, to which White Metonot replied that it was, and that he shouldn't
eat too much, something Jacob would have said. Blue whined at hearing the statement
he knew he was going to hear, and nibbled at his portion of omelette resentfully.
Grey Metonot, being true to the essences of
Metonot's happiness, ate his omelette without any emotion at all. He seemed
so withdrawn, which was to be expected, as he had been living a life that didn't
have much joy in it since visiting the lab ray. Jacob made a note to try and
change all that in the future should their current situation be solved.
All the versions of Metonot weren't the only
things of interest. Whooper was sitting atop the head of White Metonot, apparently
choosing him as its current master. Perhaps it was because the White one's essence
was logic, which counterbalanced the illogic that Whooper always displayed.
They were all travel ready when the flying troops
landed in front of them. Jacob walked forward to the apparent captain of the
squad, a Scorchio in brighter colored armor than the rest. "Greetings! What
news do you have for me?"
"Not good news, I am afraid," sighed the captain.
"I'm very sorry to do this to you, Jacob, but I have my orders," and he signaled
to the others behind him, who then circled Jacob and the Metonot's, weapons
"What's going on here?" asked Jacob, alarmed
at this sudden show of aggression.
"It has recently come to our attention that
you have taken under your wing four new Neopets, exceeding the limit you are
allowed to raise. We are placing you under arrest."
"What? Wait a minute, this can all be explained-"
"You and your new Neopets will be taken into
custody, at which time you will have your say. But as of this time I must ask
you to surrender."
"You are being highly unreasonable!" complained
White Metonot. "If you would just stand down and listen you will see this is
a huge misunderstanding."
"Failure to comply," continued the captain,
"and we shall have to use force, your caretaker contract shall be void, and
all your Neopets shall be placed in the pound."
"The pound?" cried out Yellow Metonot from the
sack over Jacob's shoulder. "NO! I don't want to go to the pound!" and began
fighting frantically to get out of the bag. Jacob, not ready for such a struggle,
dropped the sack, and Yellow Metonot flew out, knocking over several of the
soldiers that were guarding the side of the ring he had rushed.
"They're attacking!" said one of the Eyrie soldiers.
"Get them!"
Before the captain could call for them all to
hold their ground, they all charged in. Jacob quickly rushed into the fray,
hoping to stop some of them before the Metonots got harmed. But he really had
nothing to fear, as he noticed after tossing several of the guards to the ground.
They were outfitted with Swords of Domar and other such obsolete weapons. 'Really
wish Faerieland would give more funding to their army,' thought Jacob after
punching a Pteri. 'These soldiers would never be able to defend anything!'
The poor weapon choices of the soldiers weren't
the only thing in Jacob's favor. The Metonots were also putting up quite a fight.
White Metonot ducked and dodged all blows with perfect accuracy, and with help
from Whooper was able to put his opponents off balance. Blue Metonot was getting
highly offended by the soldiers bossing him around and beat down one after the
other while their weapons bounced off his invincible hide. And Yellow Metonot,
of course, continued running about, sending opponents flying when he ran into
The only Metonot that seemed to be having trouble
was the Grey. But even that wasn't right, as his opponents were going down as
fast as the others were. He fought on, feeling the pain of every blow the soldiers
happened to land on him, but kept right on fighting. 'Just like Metonot,' thought
Jacob with great satisfaction. 'His hope for happiness will endure no matter
how bleak things may seem.'
In less than two minutes, the entire squad of
soldiers was either knocked unconscious or had retreated to the skies. Blue
Metonot cried out, "Yeah! That teaches you for trying to bully us around!"
"You tell 'em, Metonot," laughed Jacob, dusting
off his clothes once again. "Well... let's get going. We better start off at
a run, since their reaction speed to a defeat is much better than their combat
"That's right!" exclaimed White Metonot. "Once
the troops that escaped return to base, they shall have even more powerful reinforcements."
"Oh no!" screamed Yellow Metonot once more,
and ran off... once again.
"For once I agree with his cowardice," sighed
To be continued...