Searching For Paradise: Part One by cpmtiger
Tye clopped slowly down the wet, puddle-strewn sidewalk,
feeling glum and annoyed. The gleaming white sidewalks and bright, colorful signposts
didn't make Tye feel any better. The faerie Ixi had just left her house after
a big argument with her parents. So now she was wandering the wet streets of Gold
Palace Road. There was nobody out, because the millionaires didn't venture outside
unless it was sunny and warm.
Tye's parents were the same way, boringly traditional
and concerned with money. They had insisted on naming her Tirana, the name given
to all ten faerie Ixis in the family. She was the youngest in a family of money-concerned
idiots. Or so she often thought.
Her two older sisters, Jeralyn and Ellen, were
used to being pampered and spoiled, and generally being treated like royalty.
They loved having servants do things for them, wore large, expensive necklaces
and bracelets, and were always having their fur brushed or their horns shined.
Tye, on the other hand, preferred doing things
herself, wore no trinkets or fancy pendants, and looked slightly scruffy more
often than not. She hated the private school she went to. Tye had no friends
there, and absolutely everyone was concerned with the price of their school
supplies. It was sickening.
The faerie Ixi knew how to eat with fourteen
pieces of silverware. She'd been taught how to drink tea with hooves. A small
amethyst box in Tye's room was overflowing with gold and silver necklaces and
bracelets, all laden with diamonds or emeralds or rubies or sapphires. Twice
Tye had tried selling the ornaments, but was caught before she could manage
the feat.
It seemed that Tye's parents had come to their
last option, which had caused a loud shouting match over breakfast. Tye's parents
wanted to send her to boarding school. She couldn't believe it. Boarding school!
Tye became so angry at the thought that she picked up an empty Neocola can with
her horns and tossed it into the alley as she passed, not even looking at it.
Something else did notice the can, however.
A dark shadow, hidden in the darkness of the alleyway, flicked its tail and
bared sharp teeth as its green eyes narrowed. The lithe figure crept around
the back of the alleyway, following the Faerie Ixi, always sticking to the darkness.
Tye was about to turn the corner and continue
down the block when she caught sight of the bright green eyes. She leapt back,
rearing up instinctively. The black shape pounced toward Tye, landing in front
of her.
It was a shadow Kougra, about Tye's age, all
black except for her emerald colored eyes and the gold band on each front leg.
The Kougra's sharp, silver teeth were bared, and her claws were unsheathed.
The Kougra's back and sides were spotted with small scratches and cuts. Thin,
dirty fur, matted and tangled, wasn't thick enough to hide the Kougra's ribs.
Tye's blue eyes narrowed. She waited for the
Kougra to make a move, ready to toss the Kougra on with her horns, if necessary.
After a moment of silence, the Kougra spoke.
"Why'd you throw a can at me?" she snarled,
her voice hard and angry. "You lookin' for a fight?"
"No! I just-"
"You're one of the rich pets, aren't you?" the
Kougra asked, cutting her off.
"Yes, but-"
"Ever lived on the streets?"
"No, but-"
"Then what're you throwing cans for?"
Tye's temper ran out. "I wasn't throwing it!
I kicked it, but it's not like I was aiming for you or something! My stupid
parents decided I need to go to boarding school, so maybe you can understand
that I'm really, really annoyed right now!"
The Kougra looked at her a moment, then sat
down. "You think boarding school's bad? Personally, I'd switch places with you."
Seeing the appalled look on Tye's face, the Kougra smirked. "Never thought about
the life of an alley Kougra, eh?"
Tye continued to stare. "You're an alley Kougra?
But you're like…like…. just fifteen!"
"Yeah, well, you work with what you've got.
Not everyone's as lucky as you."
"Lucky? Me? My parents hate me! I'm going off
to boarding school to learn how to sew and cook and other boring stuff!"
The shadow Kougra grinned slightly. "That can't
be as bad as living off of the trash."
"You have to live off trash?" Tye asked before
she could stop herself.
"It's the only thing you can eat around here.
Alley pets can't afford store food."
"But how do you make yourself eat it?"
"When you're starving and don't have any choice,
you don't really notice what you're eating."
Tye was silent a moment. "How about shelter?"
"A wooden crate. I found it near the docks."
"You're kidding."
"Why would I kid around?" Tye didn't reply.
Just then, a call echoed down the street. "Tirana?
Tirana, get back to the house this instant!" Tye made a face.
"Tirana?" the Kougra muttered. She leapt to
her paws.
"No!" the faerie Ixi protested. "It's TYE."
"Allehya. Nice meeting you." And with a flick
of her long tail, Allehya turned and disappeared back into the shadows of the
A few moments later, Tye's father, a large purple
Ixi, appeared around the corner. "Tirana, you are coming back to the house,
and so help me, you're going to be grounded for a month!"
That night, Tye picked
gloomily at her salad. Her bowl of red tomatoes remained untouched. The tall
glass of Neocola hadn't been sipped once. Try as she might, Tye couldn't help
thinking that as she was here with fresh salad, Allehya was out there eating
something she'd fished from the trash.
Tye looked over at her sisters. Jeralyn, an Island
Ixi, with a coat so shiny it sometimes hurt Tye's eyes, was sipping her Neocola
carefully, as if it was a precious elixir. Ellen, a small, Desert colored Ixi,
was festooned with jewels as usual. She was using a tiny, silver fork to search
her salad for the horn ring she'd just dropped. Jewelry picking forks were a
necessity for Ellen.
Tye turned back to her tomatoes, glaring at
the tiny fruits.
"Tirana," her mother scolded, "Eat that salad
or there's no desert for you." The snow colored Ixi was eating her own salad
with a fork, nibbling the leaves as female Ixis were expected to do.
"It's TYE, Mother, not Tirana," Tye said through
clenched teeth.
"Tye is a boy's name. Your proper name is Tirana,
and you should use it, instead of calling yourself something ridiculous."
"No, Tirana is something ridiculous! I don't
want to be named after the stupid Faerie Ixis in the family-"
"Young lady, your disregard for history is disgusting!"
Tye's father boomed.
"It's HISTORY, it's over, we're done with it!"
Tye was so angry she leapt from her chair, front hooves on the table. The chair's
wooden legs screeched as it was pushed back.
"The floor, Tirana! It was just put down!" Tye's
mother shrieked, her eyes widening at the thought of her precious floor being
Tye's sisters gave each other terrified looks
and began digging into their salads.
STUFF THAN BEING RICH!" Tye shouted, everything she'd been feeling for fifteen
years pouring out of her.
"Like what?" Tye's oldest sister Jeralyn asked
skeptically, the beads on her neck rattling. Ellen began gulping down her tomatoes,
trying to stay out of the argument. Tye's mother put her head in her hooves.
"Like having an iota of intelligence!" Tye shouted,
rounding on Jeralyn. "Like learning stuff that's useful! Like being who you
are instead of a snobby rich pet whose only "friends" are people who want their
Jeralyn gave Tye an icy stare. "You think being
rich is a curse?" she demanded.
"As a matter of fact, I do!" Tye snarled, slamming
the table with a hoof for emphasis. Her glass of Neocola spilled onto the table,
turning the white silk tablecloth brown. Tye's mother leapt up and raced for
a towel.
"ARE YOU SUGGESTING," Tye's father roared, standing
"Yeah, that's exactly what I'm saying!" Tye
boomed, turning back to her father and staring him in the eye.
Tye's father was breathing heavily, his left
front hoof twitching as though he longed to paw the ground with it. Tye's mother
returned with a towel and began mopping up the spilled Neocola. She didn't look
at her husband or her daughters.
For a moment, all was silent. Then Tye's mother
stood up and wailed, "Now the tablecloth is ruined!"
"Good!" Tye said before she could stop herself.
"Besides, it's just a tablecloth!"
"JUST A TABLE CLOTH?" her father thundered.
"Well maybe next time you'll find a better use
for those Neopoints!"
"What do you suggest?" Jeralyn asked scornfully,
every syllable laden with spite and accented with a click of beads.
Tye took a moment to consider her words before
answering. "Did you know that there are hundreds of pets in Neopia Central alone
who are strays? They live off food they fish from the garbage, they sleep in
things like old crates- Oh, knock it off!"
Ellen had made a disgusted face, and started
to fake vomit into her salad dish.
"Some of them are my age! Or younger! And that's
how they have to live! Why not donate the money to them?"
"Tirana, we're not responsible for every stray
in Neopia!" Tye's mother said exasperatedly, still with her head in her hooves.
"Oh yeah? I bet you'd feel differently if you
had to fight to stay alive!"
"WE DON'T NEED JEWELRY!" Tye was trembling with
And Tye ran out of the dining room, up the sweeping staircase, and into her
room. Opening her window, she decided that maybe Allehya's life wasn't so bad
after all.
To be continued...