Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 155,374,162 Issue: 219 | 9th day of Celebrating, Y7
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by vira8

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The Petpet Detectives: Case of the Absent Anubis - Part Two
"Just tell me what happened, from the beginning. We'll try our best to sort this out."

by playmobil_is_my_life


The Poogle Racer: Part One
Then a slightly chubby and pink Poogle, Gretchen, walked into the room with a sneer on her face. "Still dreaming of being a Poogle, Cala? Even if you were one you'd stink at racing."

by phoenix1000


Café a la Faeries: a Restaurant of Beauty
Past Fyora Lane, in Downtown Faerie City, Faerieland, in the middle of Broadwing Street, there is a restaurant dedicated to Faerieland’s gorgeous cuisine.

by gustking15


Gears and Cogs: World Challenges
Knowing these rules, with hints and tips along the way, will get you on your way to winning maps quickly and efficiently!

by sweetie_butterfly

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