A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 109,226,905 Issue: 218 | 2nd day of Celebrating, Y7
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Life of the Party

by buddy__blankies

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Great stories!


Hubrid's Attempted Hero Heist: Part Two
"You're Fluffy?!" an older, female voice screeched. "What were you thinking, Sally!"

Also by schefflera

by ikkin_with_attitude


The Portrait of Importance
"I'd like you all to draw a portrait of the most important thing in your life," he said merrily, his rectangular glasses perched on the end of his nose...

by blubblub317


Blessing: Part Three
They had not travelled far from her mother's house, on the Meri Acres Farm, when Allara stopped abruptly and turned her gaze towards her travelling companion, the tiny, mysterious Mi Toria...

by numbertwelve


Murgoh: Part Three
Murgoh's attack threw the Kougra off balance, making him completely open to an attack from the white Lupess, who rammed into the Kougra hard enough to knock him off his feet...

by zephandolf

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