The Pet Documentaries: the Acara by leveret
Neopia is a wide world of exotic places to explore and intriguing sights to see.
It is also home to an even larger variety of weird and wonderful creatures. Although
the Neopedia offers far-reaching accounts of great deeds and legends that circulate
in rumours and are illustrated on castle tapestries, it does not seem to have
much information on the diverse pets that live in the land. I thought I’d take
it upon myself, as a dedicated journalist, to investigate the individual habits
of a species and bring them to the public eye. All those little facts you’ve wanted
to know about your Neopet, you’ll hopefully find here.
The subject of my latest in-depth investigations is the Acara. Amongst fifty
introduced species of pets, the Acara is something of a favourite, rated ninth most popular on the charts. So what is it about these odd-looking beasts that warrant
such high numbers? What little is already known about Acaras tells us they often
live by the seaside and enjoy competing with friends to see who can dive the
deepest or haul the most sunken treasure onto the coast. Because of their natural
affinity to water, Acara fur is comprised of a downy, insulating undercoat and
an overcoat of long, water-repellent bristles of hair.
Before diving, Acaras are able to suck in deep breaths of air through their
nose which they store in the huge capacity of their lungs. This allows them
to stay beneath the surface for prolonged periods of time without feeling the
need to come up for air. The average body temperature of an Acara is below room
temperature, which prevents them from feeling the shock of cold water. Due to
this lack of body heat, despite being warm-blooded, Acaras have a liking of
the sun. While most of them live in colder regions, they will not live anywhere
where sun does not shine. The Acara’s underside is a lighter shade than the
fur on their back because this darker fur is similarly used to attract heat.
A characteristic feature of the Acara is their hairless feet, but contrary
to common belief, not all Acaras share this trait. Those that live in dry or
desert regions (only near oases, of course) can absorb heat from the scorching
sands through the fleshy pads of their paws, which can warm the body or provide
a limited store of energy (enough to supply a short burst of speed). Northern
Acaras face the obstacle of icy ground and therefore their paws are well-covered
with fur and generally less delicate. Acaras are not nocturnal, but their big
eyes can see almost as well in the dark as they can in daylight.
Short, stocky legs maintain their balance perfectly, and Acaras are strong,
navigational swimmers, so there is no need for a lengthy tail to steer. A small
stump can be spotted above their haunches, though it rarely moves to display
an Acara’s emotions or temperament. A sturdy build and energy-saving adaptations
indicate the Acara is meant for endurance and not racing.
In size, an Acara can be anywhere between the mass and proportion of a domestic
kitten and a jungle cat. They are calm, amiable creatures, though the wilder
ones tend to have a passion for a fair fight. Speculations have claimed the
Acara to be ursine because of its compact muzzle, but research proves it is
a distinctly feline pet, in spite of its semi-retractable claws and inability
to purr. The thickset, blunt snout actually allows ample room for the Acara’s
long whiskers to move over their broad, flat faces, observing the environment
around them and sending data quickly to the brain. As they are omnivores, the
length of their jaws is not a problem in relation to eating.
The Acara’s regular diet consists of meagre portions of meat and many fruits
and vegetables. They are skilled at shelling nuts between their molars. Acara
ears are a curious thing, odd enough to rival even the Aisha’s two pairs. Shaped
like butterfly wings, they are half the size of the head and situated on either
side of the head rather than on the top. The Acara does not have four ears,
but the normal two. Each is divided by a thin vein which increases the amount
of control an Acara has over the movement of their ears. The concave face of
the ear is rife with tiny ridges like a bat’s, thus the ears are very sensitive
to soundwaves.
Curling back from their skulls is one of their most notable peculiarities:
horns. These horns can be found on even the youngest Acara kit and are enveloped
by a fine fuzz which they do not grow out of as they mature. This velvet nourishes
the growth of their horns and, like foam packaging, prevents them from damaging.
So what do we know about the Acara? They can dive up to record depths, enjoy
fruit, cannot sprint but are reliable pack animals, and carry a certain sense
of admirable nobility. But I wanted more than facts gleaned from chance encounters
and close documentation. So, in the fashion of any enthused writer on a quest
for knowledge, I bought a Fuzzy Notebook and Mechanical Pencil, and set out
to brave the streets of Neopia for first-hand advice from Acara owners.
(QUESTION) What made you decide to create or adopt
an Acara?
mandar303: I decided to adopt an Acara after TNT changed the way they looked.
I had thought they were the ugliest pets before, but the new look is adorable.
I wanted to adopt one from the pound and give it a second chance. That’s how
I found Kalabush (she likes to be called Kala). She was blue when I got her
and I painted her striped.
kornishpea: I chose to create my Acara because they looked really cute. All
things need something cute, something warlike and something loving. This is
a must in any of my families.
kianala: I adopted my Acara a few days after I joined Neopets. She was looking
rather lonely in the pound and I thought that it would be better for me to adopt
her than create a new pet. I nursed her back to health.
mass_woo: I was going to create a pet when I saw an Acara in yellow and decided
it worked, so I created my yellow Acara, Farantam (now a Mynci courtesy of the
chazza882: I thought an Acara looked like a cute and caring pet.
aviophobic: Well, it was a tough choice, but I think it was those ears! I mean,
if you really had to look at them, Acaras have the funkiest ears on Neopets.
I had to have a pair of those; they’d be so much fun to draw.
(QUESTION) How does your Acara behave around other
mandar303: Kala is very flirty. She’s also kind of ditzy. She is incredibly
friendly though and will talk to just about anyone concerning just about anything
kornishpea: My Acara is very sympathetic, but shy around other pets.
mass_woo: Farantam was energetic at first and always full on happiness then
he started to calm down. I believe this happened for my Acara because he was
near my Kau and my Kau is naturally energetic.
abebe: She is very nice.
chazza882: My Acara is kind and polite.
(QUESTION) Do you remember your Acara’s first word?
aviophobic: Oh, I remember Sater’s first word as if it were yesterday. ‘Loovbug.’
I had just gotten done explaining what the little flying menaces were.
(QUESTION) Does your Acara have any hobbies?
mandar303: Kala isn’t much of a hobby Acara. She’s quite lazy and would rather
spend the day lying around. She does enjoy playing with her little sister, just
because she likes cute things.
kornishpea: He’ll read. He’ll read a lot. Sometimes non-stop for four hours.
mass_woo: My Acara has always made a hobby of collecting plushies and he has
helped me build my gallery of plushies. We are still collecting.
abebe: Playing Cheat!
chazza882: She usually hangs around with her friends and that’s about it.
aviophobic: Chasing lovebugs, annoying his big brother, attempting to fly,
and looking downright lovely curled up on a pillow asleep.
(QUESTION) What does your Acara like to be treated
mandar303: My Acara likes to be treated to anything! She likes to be spoiled.
And she loves pink.
kornishpea: He is easy to please and appreciative of everything I give to him,
especially tomatoes.
mass_woo: At the start Farantam liked anything sugarless, but after a while
I got him to love Orange Chia Pops. He also likes playing with his plushies.
abebe: Caramel Acara On A Stick.
aviophobic: Sater will eat just about anything, though he’s grown much attached
to eating lovebugs. I can’t say why.
(QUESTION) Describe your Acara in three words.
mandar303: Lazy, girly, ditzy.
kornishpea: Loving of others.
mass_woo: Energetic, playful and determined.
abebe: Cute, original, charming.
chazza882: Kind, caring, generous.
aviophobic: Crazy, lovebug-obsessed, little.
(QUESTION) Would you recommend an Acara as a good
pet choice for potential owners?
mandar303: I would recommend an Acara to other owners; they are fun little
pets who seem to live life to the fullest. And they’re so cute!
kornishpea: Yes. If you are a family person, get an Acara.
mass_woo: Yes, most definitely. I recommend the colours yellow and red. I also
believe that the Acara will one day become one of the most wanted Neopets of
abebe: Yes. They are not fussy eaters, unlike Boris!
aviophobic: I would definitely have to recommend Acaras. They’re sweet, loving,
slightly insane, and adorable when they’re little. As they grow up, their personality
all depends on how you treated them when they were young. Be nice to them, they’ll
grow up sweet. Be mean and they’ll return the favour to the world.
There you have it. For countless reasons, obvious or not, Acaras are a loved
species. Some of the most famous names belong to Acaras, such as Vira, Princess
Fernypoo, Mipsy and Roberta. Plushies, food, weaponry, books – and yes, even
gnomes – have been modelled after or inspired by the Acara. The Acara will persevere
in stories and in the eyes of the people who care for them, brightening Neopia’s
history and future.