Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 155,374,126 Issue: 208 | 16th day of Gathering, Y7
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Buried Treasure

by 0riginal_sin

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Owner Away!!!
Lucky guess?

by fonglaixun


Trapped Within a Dream: Part One
A blue Shoyru spun anxiously in her own rolling chair, stopping every second or so to check and see if the Kyrii had finished reading yet...

by chibicelchan


A Change in Heart: Part Two
"We didn't want to leave without you," Marsha explained. "In case you had changed your mind, you know, over night."

by sweetie_me274


Top Ten Petpet Household Appliances
Not many people have noticed, but Petpets also make the most fabulous temporary HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES when your toaster is broken or you’ve lost the scissors!

by candykitty

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