Advert Attack: Ten Tips for Everyone by zelda2222
GAMES ROOM - So you’ve been playing Advert Attack (AA) for a while now and still
can’t raise your score. Or maybe you’re just starting out. At any rate whether
you’re quite familiar with the game already or you’re just a beginner, I probably
have a few tips to help get you closer to the finish line and the score you’ve
been working so hard for.
First of all I’d like to say that AA is one of those games you actually do
get better at if you practice. Believe me. If I can raise my score then so can
you. Plus, one great thing to your advantage is that this game takes almost
no skill whatsoever. Basically if you can click a mouse then you can play this
game. In fact, most of the tips that I have compiled will most likely only help
you to improve upon what you are already doing. In AA even a little improvement
can drastically increase your score.
For those of you who don’t know, the idea of the game is to beat your opponent
to the finish line. Your opponent moves at a constant rate. But in order for
you to move you must click the yellow “go” button. After each round you get
to see your current score and Dr. Sloth with his marketing team as they come
up with new ways to make popups harder to close and more noticeable.
In order to raise your score you need speed, accuracy and a little bit of luck.
All right, now that you have the idea, let’s begin. The following tips will
help to put you on the right path to becoming an Advert Attack Ace.
1. Count as you Click: It takes 30 clicks of the yellow go button to make it
to the finish line. I don’t know why but counting as you click increases your
score. For example, when I first started playing AA my score after round one
would be 80-82. But once I started to count the clicks my round one score increased
to a steady range of 83-86. Note: only count the clicks of the go button. In
later rounds if you miscount it’s ok, because you’re still in the ballpark.
Just keep counting; you’re probably only off by one or two clicks.
Counting is good for other things too. It helps you to judge whether or not
to close certain popups. For example if I’m around click 28 I’ll try not to
close any popups at all. But if I’m at click 10 I’ll close a popup if I think
it has a high probability of getting in my way later especially if my cursor
is near its close button already. This brings me to my next point.
2. Only close the popups that are in your way or will be in your way later.
Don’t close the ones that appear only in the top half of your screen because
you don’t have time to look at your progress anyway. Also if you get a popup
on your game window that you think will be in your way later and your cursor
is already near one of it’s close buttons go ahead and close it.
3. Moving vs. Closing: So by now you know that you can move many of the popups
out of your way rather than closing them. So, “which is faster?” you ask. Well,
it depends. If you get a popup that is in your way and none of its close buttons
are visible then the answer is easy. MOVE IT, you have no other choice. I generally
find moving popups to the right or to the bottom is easiest. Be careful though,
Popups are sticky and sometimes don’t let go of your mouse.
In other situations it really depends on the popup and where it is. I generally
prefer to close them though if the button is visible.
4. Size Matters: Choose the smallest window size. Remember you are trying to
beat your opponent and the smaller the window the faster you move from point
A to point B. “But Zelda, when I use the smallest size I sometimes click off
of the game window, so what do I do now?” Well, silly, I’ve got you covered,
so don’t worry. Just make sure you pay attention to my tip about window placement.
5. Closing those Kyrii popups: You know the one with the really small close
button that covers more than half of the window. If you’ve played this game
for awhile you know that this popup is the hardest one to close because it’s
close button is so small. Since this popup often gets in your way you have no
choice but to get rid of it some how. So here’s my strategy for the dreaded
kyrii popup.
First of all, don’t close it until it is in your way. Sometimes right after
you close a money tree popup which is about the same size you’ll get one of
the Kyrii popups too. In this case it is a good idea to close the Kyrii popup,
since your mouse is near the close button, unless you can see the go button
and are at a really high count such as 27 or 28. One method to close a Kyrii
popup is to move it over to the left just a tad. This gives you easier access
to the close button. However, this takes a bit longer than just being able to
click the x. However, I’m sure you know it is hard to accurately click the close
button on this popup, especially when you are moving so fast. This is where
my next tip, window placement comes in.
6. Window Placement: After awhile of playing the game I noticed that I would
occasionally click off of the game window when I was going after one of the
Kyrii popups. And if you have done this yourself you probably know that those
lost few moments bringing the window back up can cost you the game. In order
to rectify this I started to place my window in the very upper right hand corner
of my monitor screen. I found that this not only kept me from clicking off of
the window but it also made my clicks at the Kyrii popup close button more accurate.
I find that the best window placement is far up into the right corner of the
monitor. It is also helpful to move the window over to the right just far enough
so you can no longer see the right-hand window border. Think of it as tucking
the game window into place. Now when you get that sneaky little Kyrii, simply
move your cursor over to the right as far as it will go and you not only can’t
click off of the window, but you will probably be able to close the Kyrii popup
on your first attempt, which translates into time saved.
If you still click out of the game window then you may need to take a deep
breath and slow down a bit. You can’t just go around clicking wildly like an
untrained meepit.
7. Mouse: The condition of your mouse can make or break you in this game. If
you are using a roller ball mouse you must make sure that it is clean. I definitely
recommend an optical mouse because it won’t skip or become stuck like a roller
8. Comfort: Make sure you are comfortable and that you have a nice spot where
you can move the mouse around quickly and easily. If there’s clutter in your
computer area and your hand goes bumping into things while you’re trying to
close a popup it slows you down. So clean up and give yourself plenty of elbow
9. Speed and Accuracy: Practice making accurate clicks quickly. You need to
be fast. But moving quickly can oftentimes decrease the accuracy of your clicks.
So you have to practice being both quick and accurate. Another important point
about accuracy is that an inaccurate click can spawn more popups.
10. Warm up - play a game or two to loosen up. Also don’t play for so long
that you become all stiff again. Take a break now and then. Stand up, stretch
a bit, flex your wrists around or even do something else for awhile.
Here are a few other things you probably already knew but I’ll just throw them
in anyway to remind you and to make doubly sure. 1) Eliminate distractions.
Turn off the TV and even the radio. You don’t want your mind wandering to other
things. 2) Some popups can be closed in multiple ways. Either by clicking an
x at the top or by clicking a “no” or “close” button on the popup. It’s generally
faster to use the button your mouse pointer is closer to. 3) The timer indicates
how long it takes for your opponent to beat you. So in order to win you have
to be faster than the timer.
Before, I started using all of these tips my high score was consistently around
450 and rarely reached 500. But after getting the tips down, memorized and virtually
second nature to me, I began steadily to do better. You really have to keep
trying and you’ll suddenly get enough points like magic. A little bit of luck
comes into play as well. Always keep in mind that the point of the game is to
be quick. So don’t waste time closing popups that aren’t in your way. And learn
to be a good judge of what popups you should close and when.
Remember, try to have some fun and don’t take it too seriously. It’s just a
game after all. However, when you finally do raise your score I highly recommend
jumping up and down for joy and then after that go taunt all of your friends
and once you’ve finally calmed down point them in the right direction with some
of these tips.
News: Advert Attackers Anonymous meetings coming to a world near you.
P.s. If this guide helped you out drop me a line ;)