The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 103,901,843 Issue: 205 | 26th day of Hiding, Y7
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T3h Praedius

by arttimo

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The Art of Magma Blasting
In Magma Blaster, you play an Alien Aisha (not that you can see him on the screen anyway) that is selflessly trying to save Tyrannian Neopets from being squished under the smouldering rocks of impending doom.

Also by gigabit12163

by sum41girl2k


Petpet for a Madman
Sometimes it's best not to question the intentions of your customers...

by turquoisephoenix


200m Peanut Dash
Get ready, set....

by cinnamorollio


Petpet Cannonball: the Guide
You should get educated on how to play Petpet Cannonball! And this is exactly where you can learn! After you read this guide, you'll be a pro…at least after some practice!

by p0lkad0t3

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