Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 142,874,434 Issue: 200 | 22nd day of Swimming, Y7
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If You Give a Kacheek a Cookie

by starcaw

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Two Hundred
Generally, the Uni took note of every word that left the mouth of Miss Hickle, but today was not like most days. Today was warm and sunny...

by charmedhorses


A Day At the Fair
"Quit fooling around! Pick up the broken pieces and come get a new one. And the forks go on the other side."

by sois_sage


Battledome Scars
Beware the war cry of a well-armed Kougra...

Also by plutoplus1

by richnangela005


A Proverbial Nightmare: In all unfairness
Pass the Neopkins, please...

by funandgames999

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