Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 142,874,434 Issue: 200 | 22nd day of Swimming, Y7
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81467 Coconut Road

by cyaneus

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Yummy for Turmy
Are you sure it's safe?

by buddy__blankies


Neopian Neophyte
You give a new meaning to the term "teacher's pet"...

by leedom111


Sloth and the Coffee Conundrum
Sloth took a huge gulp of his coffee. Aaah, caffeine. Just the thing he needed to wake himself up for the long day ahead of him...

by perfect_eternal


Is Newer Really Better? [Part 1]
Change is good, isn't it? The old game wasn't as good anyway, and new is always better... oh, better graphics, too! Wow, new really is good... or is it?

Also by faeriegurl4lyfe

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