For an easier life Circulation: 129,296,931 Issue: 201 | 29th day of Swimming, Y7
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Lenny Sack

by ickessler

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The LAZIEST Neopians!!!
Have you ever gotten a quest from the Faerie Queen? Not many Neopians have. And I can see why...

by emslyacting


Carnival of Terror- Tips From a Champion
Worry not, fellow Sloth minions! He'll never run out of clowns, so shoot as many as you want!

by jelly_bean_qween


The Adventures of Star
I regret naming her Star. Stars are supposed to be barely noticeable unless they are scattered across the sky at midnight. Star, however, is more like an asteroid headed for planet Neopia...

by dancingqween888


How to Be an Awesome Rater
Why are they getting the score they’re getting? What are they missing to get the perfect 10? What did they like about it to give it a perfect 10? They’re leaving out the details.

by oozemutt1982

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