The Legend of the Sword of Apocalypse: Part One by precious_katuch14
Although quite a handful have claimed (and proven) that the Sword of Apocalypse
can be obtained through a game called Neoquest II, that is only a bit of the real
story, the story behind the first SOA to ever touch Neopia...
Many years ago, there lived a young purveyor of weaponry
who was called Reidar. He lived in a small room in Faerie Palace, constantly
at work and creating new things for vanquishing evil. He was widely known, and
was trained under the wings of some of the best weapon makers. In fact, he was
once a young Eyrie who had lost his family long ago in a battle against evil,
and was adopted by a group of faeries that made their living by creating items
to serve the just well in battle. Reidar learned the ropes from them.
In fact, they had trained him so well that one
day he would show up with a tiny yet formidable dagger, and the next day, a
shield that could halt any kind of attack, no matter how strong or powerful.
Everyday the yellow Eyrie had something to show off…that is, until one sultry
day in Faerieland…
The weapon maker was pacing his workshop anxiously.
The Faerie Queen had asked him quite a difficult request a few moments ago,
that Reidar would concoct one particular kind of sword that would be specially
designed to destroy all abhor. The blade had to shine with a brightness that
would make villains cower in terror, and the hilt was to become a beautiful
golden color that glinted like the rays of the sun. Sure, the Eyrie had a lot
of experience, but he was never this pressured before.
Reidar stared hard at the furnace he had lit,
and the materials he had strewn onto his table. "It has to be perfect," he muttered.
"I cannot let the queen down." He grabbed a piece of scrap paper and began sketching
a simple outline of a sword, but just as soon as he started on it, Reidar crumpled
it up and tossed it into the flames. The yellow Eyrie tried again, but the furnace
eventually swallowed up the idea as well. Soon he had thrown quite a number
of ideas right into the fire, and he was getting more and more frustrated by
the minute.
Sighing, he put the quill point onto another
sheet, and doodled another blade shape. Reidar slowly formed the outline of
the hilt, and took out a small golden stick. He began to color it in, and added
silver to the sword's blade. At last, the beautiful weapon was completed - the
draft, anyway. The actual thing was another story.
He faced the bit of steel on the table before
him and got to work. The Eyrie even raided his stash of extra trinkets to add
a few gemstones to the hilt as decoration, and to complement the gold color.
The weapon maker worked hard and long, as the day wore into night, bent over
his masterpiece-in-progress. Hopefully it would please Fyora, he thought, melting
the yellow metal in the furnace.
The sun had begun to set outside his window,
and Reidar kept on going, his eyes slowly glazing over. He took out his journal
from under the pillow on his bed, and began to write while the gold cooled down
in the mold he was using to shape the handle just right. He had even added a
few jewels to spice up the plain layout, and so made it sparkle even more than
Fyora had wanted it to in the first place. At last, the yellow Eyrie stood up
and walked over to his finished creation after a short while.
The blade came out slightly larger than he thought,
but it still glistened with a silver shine. The hilt was gold, and easy to grip,
and had a few precious stones within its design. He gently lifted it up, gave
a few swipes, and found that it swished smoothly through the air as if it were
a feather. Although the night had fallen, Reidar took flight with the sword
in tow, and headed for Faerie Palace, whose windows were still lit up.
"Halt! Who goes there?" Two of the queen's Kougra
guards pointed their spears at the purveyor of weapons, who stepped back in
"My name is Reidar, and Fyora expects me to deliver
this blade to her," he replied calmly. The sentries raised the sharp things
up, a signal for him to pass through. The Eyrie walked underneath, and was standing
in one of the chambers of Fyora's castle. A lovely faerie took his paw and led
him through the corridors and hallways that twisted and turned all over the
place. Some other of her comrades would stop to stare at the beautiful sword
he held, and others often asked if they could touch it. Reidar smiled, very
flattered at their comments.
At last, they got to the huge violet double doors.
Ceres the air faerie took out a golden key from her pocket and unlocked them.
They swung open to reveal a huge, seemingly round room immensely decorated with
all sorts of trinkets and tidbits. The Faerie Queen sat at her throne, chatting
animatedly with Illusen.
"So anyway, he completed my last quest, and so
he got the best prize of all," the earth faerie was saying, tossing her brown
hair back and smiling. "It's been a long time since the last time I gave out
my staffs to the worthy." She caught sight of Reidar standing in the doorway.
"I see Her Majesty has a visitor," said Illusen,
smiling at the yellow Eyrie. "Come in, come in. Why do you visit Queen Fyora
at this time?"
Reidar stared down at the ground as he slowly
walked towards the monarch. "I bring her the best sword among my creations,
her request forged with steel and gold. She has asked that I create THIS sword,
with a blade that shines with the dazzle of justice, and a hilt that glitters
like the rays of the sun." He bowed before Fyora, and presented his weapon towards
She stood up from her throne, and took it from
his paws. "I see you have done well, Reidar. Never in my reign over Faerieland
have I seen such a lovely show of workmanship."
He grinned and continued to look down at the
floor. "Thank you. It was my pleasure."
Then, Fyora's expression became more serious.
"The reason why I have asked you to create this beautiful sword is that…well…there
is evil afoot."
"Evil?" repeated Illusen. "You mean - "
"That's right," said the queen. "A dark faerie
has been seen commanding a huge army to rise up against us and take our kingdom.
Not only am I going to create and command my own soldiers, I myself will join
in the fight, and I needed a good weapon that would aid me in my battle. So
I called upon you to create the sword."
The earth faerie nodded. "So…what are you going
to name it?"
"I'm not really sure. Do swords always have to
have names?"
"I don't know. Most of them usually do. And they
sound really cool."
The Eyrie and Fyora traded a look briefly and
Illusen scratched her head. "What? It's true.
And usually, the name of a weapon denotes its strength, its use and its purpose."
"Good point," said Reidar. "And I never got to
name it while I created the blade for the queen." Here, he bowed again. "The
only thing I know about this sword is that you wanted it to be designed for
vanquishing evil, and it would shine through the darkness of abhor."
"Light through darkness," repeated Fyora, stroking
her chin in thought. "I remember a word that means 'revelation', and it would
be a great name for my weapon. After all, brightness piercing the night is almost
like revealing the secrets of the treacherous side and scattering them away."
"Wow, deep insight much?" remarked Illusen. "What's
the word then, Your Majesty?"
Reidar waved his paw. "I think I know…I've heard
of it some time ago, while the faeries were raising me. Was it 'apocalypse'?"
"Why, yes, Master Reidar! I shall name this new
sword - the Sword of Apocalypse."
Illusen and the Eyrie traded smiles, and clapped.
"Those renegade rebels won't know what hit them!"
While the three continued talking, none of them
saw one of the queen's attendants lurked just outside the throne room, listening
to their every word. The air faerie took out a twisted, purple mirror to examine
her reflection, and the face of a dark faerie looked back. She grinned, a horrible
malicious grin, and nodded to herself.
"So, that stupid Fyora has a spiffy new weapon.
Wait till General Julia hears of this! When those goody-goodies are asleep in
their beds, I will snatch that lovely Sword of Apocalypse from them. With that
powerful blade on our side, Faerieland is as good as ours!" She cackled softly,
glanced around the corridors and reverted back to her old self behind a purple
smoke screen.
Agent Deana was about to strike tonight. It would
be the beginning - and the end - of the SOA. Those fools don't know what
I've got in store for them, she thought evilly. The dark faerie caught sight
of a light faerie in the hallway, and quickly reverted back into her disguise.
The passerby greeted her with a wave of her hand, and continued down the corridor.
When she was out of sight, Deana let out a sigh
of relief. Perhaps getting the Sword of Apocalypse was harder than she thought.
To be continued...