Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 99,276,740 Issue: 197 | 1st day of Swimming, Y7
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Speck the Speckled

by cheetah_kougra

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A Wizards Beginning: Part Nine
His eyes returned to a dark black, all signs of evil disappearing. But Ramek saw a flicker of red in the eye. The evil wasn't gone. It couldn't be fully defeated...

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Jhudora's Weakness: Part Four
I avoided the club, but I was caught on the shoulder with a fist. I winced; I was going to have a huge bruise there tomorrow...

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Smatty and the Curse of Maraqua
It was one of those evenings where Smatty knew in the back of her mind that some incredibly useless event was about to occur, but she had decided to ignore that fact...

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When Two Clay Pets Fight

by cartoonbabyboy

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