Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 197,679,377 Issue: 997 | 1st day of Celebrating, Y25
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We found the following 7 result(s) for the keyword terpsichorean_writer

Week - 991

Knight & Squire: Unwilling
by terpsichorean_writer
Description: "...Lisha shouted as she dashed after a little Green Ogrin. She had to get it back. She had to! That Wand of Ultranova had been hers for as long as she could remember. It was as much a part of her as her ears."

Week - 992

Knight & Squire: Unwilling (Resubmitted)
by terpsichorean_writer
Description: "Small rays of morning sun gleamed through the castle windows, suffusing the red and gold carpet with warmth and radiance..."

Week - 994

Knight & Squire: Unwilling
by terpsichorean_writer
Description: "Jeran couldn’t help himself. His knightly composure evaporated. Whipping his head to the left he gawked with wide eyes at Rowan..."

Week - 993

Knight & Squire: Unwilling
by terpsichorean_writer
Description: "'Time to wake up,' an armoured, White Ixi kicked the lower bedframe of Rowan’s cot..."

Week - 995

Knight & Squire: Unwilling
by terpsichorean_writer
Description: "The second hawker, a Yellow Lupe, stomped over to the first, a Red Shoyru, and punched him in the face. A crowd quickly gathered as nearby knights rushed in to break up the scuffle..."

Week - 996

Knight & Squire: Preface
by terpsichorean_writer
Description: “Hrgh!” Rowan hissed through gritted teeth. “This sucks. This officially sucks.”

Week - 997

Knight & Squire: Preface
by terpsichorean_writer
Description: Lisha hurried to her brother’s side, bracing for the inevitable fallout. Jeran tensed. This was an ugly but necessary truth. To his shock, Rowan smirked in his all too familiar way.

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